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Saturday, February 1, 2003

February 1, 2003

           That’s the Reb and my Cadillac in far happier times. We were meeting between jobs we were both on our way to and around a month later, I started working at the Kinko’s nearby. Four months later than that, I said to myself, this Kinko’s isn’t going anywhere, saying I quit because I did all the hard work around there. Who would have known it was to become a huge franchise? Who was to know there was not another woman in the world like Robyn?
           Miami, 9:00 a.m. The news is the Challenger blew up, somewhere over TX. Good, it is about time they quit flying that thing around in circles and got on to Mars.

           [Author’s note: I have always believed the Space Shuttle to be a nothing but a dangerous and expensive waste.]

           The high point of the day was getting kicked out of Denny’s. Yep, I got asked to leave. Explanation. I usually get there early and all the staff knows me. (2007: I am aware of the grammar error in that last sentence, but MS is not.) They [the staff] all ask what I’m reading and like to talk. I usually stay at least an hour and a half with two refills. This weekend I have the flue and didn’t make it till 6:00 p.m. I was reading at the counter between two people reading newspapers and the [Denny's] manager asked me to leave saying, “I can’t afford to let you stay here”. (See below.) If he’d said anything else, but if he can’t afford it, I left.
           Apartment hunting is going slow. Maybe because I am so comfortable where I am?

           [Author’s note: a few weeks later, I was back in the same Denny’s at the regular time and found out the details. It seems there is a college nearby and the student’s used to come in for all-night study sessions on the manager’s shift. They’d soak up all his coffee and drive him broke. I was reading a textbook, so the manager assumed I was a student. In a way, it worked out, as in the long run, this incident broke my life-long habit of studying at Denny’s. I rarely go there any more, having discovered that studying at home was more effective, and the coffee was better.]