Here is a photo of the computer system at the back of Quizno’s. The tubes and wiring are not the network, but rather the soda machine up front. Did it fool ya?
I think it may be a winner, for reasons in my own line of work. Like, why would the only other restaurant in the area raise such an objection? Or complain they don’t have enough parking? Plus on my few visits there last month, I am really surprised by the amount of foot traffic in a seemingly half-dead residential area. At first, yes, you notice they get a lot of business from the church, and their own family, but that doesn’t account for the steady inflow off the street. My estimate is they are pulling in about $1500 on a good day, not because I am nosey but because I have a spider-sense for dollars. But I don't have the patience for such work at any level of income. And, it is all about income in the restaurant business. Best Wishes.
[Author’s note: it turns out I was bang on with the above predictions. The other restaurant, called “Casola’s” had successfully blocked all other startup food service in the area by referring to a bylaw about adequate parking. However, the new Quizno’s was able to claim the parking spots of a nearby party supply store made up the difference. Casola’s threw a fit over this development.
One of the consequences is that Cory’s success made him overestimate his role in the events, and he opened a second location that is, ahem, not performing the same. JP is now the delivery man and makes reasonable money in tips. You can do that when you don’t have to pay rent. And the business pulls in $2G's per day. I don't know that for sure, but I'm good at guessing money things.]
[Author’s note 2021: I still have that shirt. Good thing it is stretchy material.]