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Wednesday, June 30, 2004

June 30, 2004

           Today in 1997, Great Britain handed Hong Kong back to the mainland Chinese. Then again, the Chinese aren't exactly ruddy-faced white lads from Yorkshire, so screw 'em. There are few spectacles more disgusting than watching a professional British bureaucrat dening knowledge of blatant wrong-doing. "We only sold them airplanes that cannot be used as bombers. Dead babies? Oh, that's the Foreign Department. Cheerio."
           Anyway, here is a picture of Yosemite on today in 1915. A writer named Caroline Churchill wrote about taking a trip to Yosemite in 1870. She believed that California food was so bad that it explained why there were so many alcoholics in that state. Today we know that isn't true--because when it was invented, California immediately switched to methodone.

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