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Thursday, July 22, 2004

July 22, 2004

           A weekend at the Ocean Reef resort. This is a family tradition. JZ got there a day before me, so he was completely stuffed. That's saying a lot for the human eating machine. Seriously, I've seen the guy eat four steaks. Never let him loose at the Big Texan. I couldn't find him for the first few hours. He was so over-full, he had to go crash out to get rested up for supper. The supper, that is the big banquet. Here is Alaine, the babe, come searching for me in the golf cart. I was lost. I mean, have you seen Ocean Reef?
           Well, I meant that question for the few. Of course, people like Ken, Hector, and Patsie never see the insides of such places. They have a security gate at the entrance seven miles away to keep out the riff-raff. In fact, if I can find any more pictures, you'll see I don't think Ocean Reef even allows fat people in there. Not that I could see, anyway.

           We were there a couple days this time, but JZ mostly hit the food bar. I went snorkeling on the private reef, one of the few great ones left. Later, we mostly stayed by the pool, except for the time JZ thought he could still swim across the salt water pond. Oh, now I see her, okay, JZ I get it. All you had to say was you liked her looks and I'd have brought her home for you.
           Back then, the Taurus was still in new condition. Here it is, about a year after I owned it. It was just a second car, but the economy compared to the Cadillac meant this quickly became my primary transportation. Note--years later this was also the vehicle which showed driving was too stressful for my heart. Sad, because I remain convinced that I love to drive through the countryside.

           Later, we met up (JZ, Alaine, and I) at the piano bar in the marina. Swank, but absolutely no single women in the place. Not even one. Yes, guys, I was looking. For that matter, there seemed to be no single women at Ocean Reef period. To those who say I must be looking in the wrong places, explain that one. Ha!

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