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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

August 10, 2004

           The big news is the impending hurricane. But one should recognize this is largely Florida media hype. They stand a reporter on a windy corner until she runs out of worn-out analogies. I've seen one Florida hurricane in five years and it largely matched a terrible storm in the tropics. And I've lived through many of those living in a grass hut. I'm not saying these storms are not deadly, but that the chances of you actually being hit by one are tiny compared to what the people selling the news would have you believe. Hurricane Charlie or Charley, depending on your source.
           South Korea announced it will be moving their capital city from Seoul to some obscure town in the middle of the country. The presumption is to keep it some distance away from the threat of North Korean invasion. Since this was never heard about again, I have no idea what became of it. Here is a photo of Tahiti from LandSat.