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Saturday, August 14, 2004

August 14, 2004

           Today in 1990, the most complete Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton was found in South Dakota. Named Sue, after the one who discovered it, the Cheyenne Indian nation, most of whom did not a a clue what it was, instantly slapped a lawsuit for ownership. My ancestral fossil, type of thing. While the diggers had permission and had paid the going rate, of course if they actually find anything, that changes the rules. Anybody who disrespects contracts can tell you that.
           Some might say that is proof that the dinosaurs evolved, but Cheyenne Indians didn't, but that would be really mean, so I'll leave it out. The skeleton, one restored, did finally sell for $7 million, but these people don't work for free, you know. The bidders included Disney and McDonald's corporations, those powerhouses of scientific discovery.
           Sue, by the way, was 28 years old, had arthritis, and like so many ladies that age, packing on the weight. And missing a few teeth.