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Friday, September 17, 2004

September 17, 2004

           Today the US Army ordered approximately remote controlled "robots" for use in the middle east. These are not true robots as they guided by a human operator. Unlike ordinary "Hollywood" robots, these tracked vehicles are designed to be completely quiet. It has a machine gun and four cameras including night vision. They are not for sale except to the military. Price tag? $231,000 each. Batteries included. Be sure to keep your receipt.

           Speaking of nuts, here is a picture of two squirrels on a rotten log taken this date.

           A slow day, JZ and I went to Hooligans after work. We met Harold, who went on about how he only likes tall blonde hookers, but I don’t know his motive for it. Since we planned for the 18th, I pulled out the printouts from this morning, and behold, the Lock and Key Event is cancelled. Probably due to the hurricane, but it is reset for two weeks later, October 2nd. I’ll be there, that just means more money to spend. We did not stay long after all the fat-butt older women started dancing with each other. I drove, in case we got stopped.