That’s me looking at the beach later today. It was my day off, so I went in to catch up on my personal projects and wound up making an extra $60. The photo is undoctored but misleading in a number of ways. I’m not that skinny and it is not that nice a day.
I took a closer look at PHP and I may be able to pull this thing off. Fred had to raid a few of my parts, but that just means the customer buys me a brand new one for free. I’m okay with today because my ad in Beijing got a world class reply right off the bat. The respondent, unless he is reading my mind, said all the correct things. He is a Korean raised in New York and mentioned Yiwu without being asked. I phoned Ruth immediately, I think he’ll do just fine. (In the end, we used another source and never heard from this guy again.)
If anyone knows it, email me the name of the mental condition I’ll describe. It is that curious mindset where some people have no trouble believing great things can be accomplished, but only by strangers. With my upbringing, you’d think I know it, but I’ve never heard anything about it. You know the type and Maria was in the shop today. She saw the picture of the dog wig on Letterman (Ruth uses it for advertising) and then saw me bring up the uncropped version of the same picture (I’m the one who captured the still). She wanted to know where I “stole that picture”.
That’s the condition – she could believe dog wigs but not that I was involved. I could give you lots of examples, but it basically I know it has to do with people who have severely limited personal abilities as they relate to others to whom they are acquainted. Maria’s not as bad as some. I once saw one co-worker report another to the police over just such an attitude. Although the guy was legit, it still brought the police down on the poor guy.
Remember that Canuck swap meet that was dying slowly. Not no more, it is in the corner of the Greyhound Race track gamblers parking lot. As I paid for the board, I asked the owner how much the “$15 a week” rent is now that business is booming. He said, “$700 a month”. The place was packed. I got on the blower and reminded JP to get his butt out here tomorrow morning.
Cahoots, the quarterly paper, emailed saying that they need “some text” to go with my photojournal. Publication is in twelve days; my guess is they’ll take anything I’ve got. I wrote two versions a month ago anticipating this. The paper is great, but it does so have a heavy texture as the work of one or two minds. The circulation is 99% Hollywood, so I conceded to replace all mentions of Hallandale. Fine, as long as I get my bucks. I repeat myself saying this is very important to me as the first publication based on entertainment value, beating even the planned blogging of this journal.
We’ve located a source of $125 vending machines, I would like to get one just because I have not owned one for, wow, close to thirty years now. We’ll see by Sunday. After the beach, I stopped at Starbucks for a tub of funny coffee. It is still the only joint in this town where the average age is under 40, and that is just barely. I stopped by Big Al’s and got him going on-line with the job listings he paid $35 for. Listen to this. Remember how I once toyed with the idea of giving people training on how to avoid self-incrimination under cross-examination? Somebody called “TrialJuror” is paying people $30 per hour to sit on a virtual jury.
Lawyer’s pay a fee of up to $2500 to have their talents thrown against an anonymous jury of people from the virtual pool. I signed him up immediately, on the condition he lets me know what happens. If he is chosen, they send him an “invitation” to sit. In this case, it means he can read the pro and con scripts on-line, or if the lawyer has paid for it, listen to the audio. There was an option for streaming video. Then, he completes a questionnaire and once the last juror has replied (there are 15 people per jury), he is informed of the decision. If nothing else, I’d be curious to see if any group of 15 people would ever agree on anything, since I believe there is huge peer pressure in real trials, particularly when the charge is a “show crime”.
Okay, I’m asked to describe “show crime”. That is where the police charge you with something far more serious or emotionally charged than the original purpose they came after you. A crime where the accusation itself is never publicly forgotten and the authorities know it. I got the term from “show trial”, in the Soviet days. The classic example is when people who try to use their right to leave if they are not under arrest and get charged with attempted murder by the police who tried to illegally detain them. Happens all the time in Florida, just ask the G.
[Author's note: for clarity, the way it works is although you have a right to leave, the police will stand in front of your vehicle. If you move it at all, they will instantly claim you tried to run them over. It's a dirty trick, but it seems to work every time. Instead, you should lock the car and walk away. I know that's a tough call, but it's better than being set up.]
Another is “fleeing justice”. Exactly what is a criminal supposed to do, you friggin’ idiots! (Unless it really was justice, but that is dreaming.) He's fleeing the police, not justice. Different animals. Another favorite is “destroying evidence”. Hey, you morons, that is the prime directive. They’d have you believe your right not to incriminate yourself is confined to words only. According to the Constitution, you have every right to minimize the evidence against yourself. Ollie North showed them.
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