Who wants a closer look at that personally autographed Elvis picture? I did. I have some news that will burst the bubble. It seems The King didn’t autograph all of his autographs, and this is one of them. It is not a fake, but he didn’t sign it. How can this be? Easy. He wrote on the photo, but only the part that says “To Ruth”. How lazy can you get? The “Best Wishes” and “Elvis Presley” parts are mass-produced. I sent a scan to the Elvis society to see if the fact that it is personalized has any commercial value. Don’t get your hopes up.

Barbara Dixie called. This is one of my former students who may have started her own business. Like too many of my students, she did not follow my advice about computer commitments. Don’t promise anything to anybody until you are certain the equipment works and you understand it. It has something to do with her airline tickets, and I went through that with her a few months ago. Looks like I’m about to re-learn it.
Later, I was over there and she has been spending all her time on the Internet, not practicing the lessons she took from me. Gee, what a surprise. Since I got out of there early, I thought I’d find the aluminum store based on directions I’ve received. It was a waste of time and I never did find it. I’ve very good at following directions and four people gave me the wrong ones. I finally wound up bicycling along each street and avenue in the general area but I could not find A1 Aluminum.
I asked several people, and the closest I got was one man who said it was “across the way”. People like that I always hope get in an emergency and need directions to the hospital. I mean, what kind of bozo gives you an answer like that? Speaking of useless people, here is a Trump construction site. One begins to wish pictures of these people were rare. The Visionaries, it says. When you have billions, I guess it is okay to tell yourself that you have visions of the future.
No time to myself today, as I went right over the Brian’s for practice. Plus, I wanted to run the idea of playing without a guitar past him. This is a hard sell. I layed down the tracks on his recording machine and he hummed along. He does not know he’s moving along twice as fast as expected. The idea works because it is unexpected and I happen to be one of the few people alive who have pulled it off before.
We play only bass and drum box. He stands there with a guitar and acts as if he is just about to start playing, but never does. I explained and he accepts that this means some major changes in the way the music is presented and how we act on stage. He is skeptical but who can find fault with that. What if I told you to go on stage but never play anything.
The four songs we picked are Fire, Act Naturally, Six Days and Words. The optional song is Some Kind of Wonderful. He is to focus on the vocals but I was able to show him how to do all of it except how to memorize the beginning notes. By the end of two hours, he was humming the tunes, a sure sign of good progress. We might just get away with this.
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