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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

July 12, 2006

           I did an early morning supply run for computer parts and settled in for a rainy day of typical summer weather. It is probably not worth Dicken’s while to keep the shop open in the early mornings during the summer. I also met the landlord who came by for the rent. Typical nosey jerk (who thinks Dicken’s is not open long enough hours).
[Photo missing]
           It is still a guess, but I may have found out what those little chrome cats are for. These are the matching set of six stylized cats I at first though were daschunds. Apparently they are table settings, a prop for guests to rest their silverware between courses. I’m not convinced but it is the most plausible theory so far. Here is a picture of one of the cats, around two inches long. Beside it is what I called the “coke duck”. It is a little duck whose feathers are hinged and the tail is the handle of a tiny little spoon. Everyone unnecessarily assures me that it is something else.

           [Author's note 2016: photo is missing. This is a photo from the year 2006 to give this page some color.]

           Please forgive the lousy photo. It is not the fault of the camera or the photographer, it is just too close for the lens. This, and most of the pictures you see here are taken by the famous $18.88 camera from BrandstupidUSA, the name changed in honor of the kind of people who work there. The camera has no LCD or flash and has taken almost 6,000 photos, most of which are still on CDs around here somewhere. Famous because it has taken almost 50 times as many pictures as more expensive cameras that sit on a shelf for fear of getting them dirty. You’ll undoubtedly hear more about this camera as each passing week distances it from the runners-up.
           A lot of young marrieds came through today. These are the 35 to 35 year-old couples with flagging relationships that are going through the motions of spending quality time together. Their marriage ceremonies were, in most cases, a formality. They had already been living together.I can stomach them in limited doses as long as it is not at a resort or on a boat. Such relationships are proof of my contention that the person who wants a commitment is planning on something they couldn’t get away with otherwise. I’m reminded of Keynes [John Maynard, the economist] who was surprised how common adultery was considering housewives look so much alike.

           No word from my contacts on the left coast. That is unusual, though I may just be impatient for news. I studied more CSS and made a few good discoveries which, since the material was from different authors, I will have to try out for myself. (CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets) are a method of separating style from content on web pages, CSS being the style portion.)

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