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Sunday, November 12, 2006

November 12, 2006

. . . there is some text missing here, looks like a cut and paste error. The following is the original portion as posted.

mornings. I cleaned the patio, discovering that Enrique has painted the concrete, making it impossible to clean. The Florida room is built on top of the last layer, meaning it would be a major renovation to replace them. Everything in this town seems to be Mickey-Moused in that fashion.
           Cramming things together is a strange mentality in places with nothing but space. I’ve even seen it in western Canada, where they have millions of acres. They could have built each house on a small estate and nobody would have missed the land. Instead, the houses are often less than four feet apart with no yard to speak of. In Florida, they degenerate that concept even further by making rooms, doors and hallways smaller as well.
           I have not gone in to the shop yet. I’m leaving early enough to stop at Coffee Time and see if I can spy on Legs. Hey, I can dream, can’t I? For the record, I weighed in this morning at a scant 166 lb. By that, I mean that I know when a drop is pending. I follow Marion’s advice quite religiously, although not her directions. She indicates a four pound per day fluctuation is normal, at the same time I tell you even a pound is extremely rare for me.
           Another thing – what is with these new jean fashions with no back pockets? Notice how quick I am to find something wrong as soon as I start to look okay in jeans again? Still, I don’t care if somebody else’s claim to fame is their backside, I want back or hip pockets. I was running late today as Alaine called just as I went out the door. She wants to do that Xmas piano concert again; we are set for December 10th after work.
           On the way in I had a minute to grab the special at Coffee Time. Sadly, it was not my imagination that Legs has gone downhill. I do not know the details but I know every one of the symptoms jointly and severally. She’s got them all. A year ago, she was a babe, now she hardly ever smiles. She moves differently and dresses a little less carefully. She is starting to look hard and bitter. That, and a hundred [signs] more tells me deadbeat boyfriend. It is a strange little lifecycle, but if she does not dump him fast, she is another goner.

           At least the shop was lively. There were a few babes in today, the best one was first thing in the morning, one of those little ones perky in every little way. Alas, she did not pick up on any of the half-dozen hints and jokes I made about being single so I didn’t hit on her. It’s only a matter of time until I get one out of that shop, so too bad for her. Have you seen what I look like on Sundays? I am every inch the shopkeeper and not that many men wear a tie in this town, at least not riding a bike to work.
           Which reminds me, Marty was in today. He’s a rich guy who makes donations and today he brought in clothes. May I state that he has excellent taste in casual dress, buys only top quality, and not only that, he is lucky enough to be my exact size. Another two French guys dropped off a ton a material. They brought in this tray of cacti (cactuses to those who only have a Masters degree) and got me by telling me it had to be watered once a year. After they left, I looked. It was so realistic it had fooled me, it was plastic.
           This left me no time to get anything done on the Internet. Dicken’s USB cards are fried out and I had no blank CDs to transfer music. Somebody donated a Sony VAIO so I’ll see if I can throw a hard drive in there and get it working. It would be better than the model he’s using right now.
           On the way back, I stopped at the G’s to help him set up a VCR system. It failed due to this terribly old TV he won’t chuck. He’s got a nice system set up but his mixture of old and new make several features incompatible. We talked music a wee bit and I will be wise to keep looking for another guitarist. It will be only a matter of weeks before he starts bringing in drummers and keyboardists again. It is a lesson he has never learned.
           Crossing Hollywood, I heard some unusually loud classic music, so I rounded the block to find a concert under a tent. The local symphony orchestra was doing their Xmas freebie. It was great clips from opera and symphony. They threw in a few splashy movie themes which had a few toes tapping but don’t do a thing for me. The theme from “Guys and Dolls” sounds overdone to me, as if it is constantly trying to find a catchy melody but can’t get past the first line.

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