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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

November 14, 2006

           Wow, there was some kind of takedown (that's a "bust" in street talk) going on in Pembroke Park. I was making a supply run this morning and ran smack into around forty squad cars sealing off the entire southeast area of the golf course. Usually you only see that in a hostage situation, but I scanned every radio station without hearing anything. I never did find out what that was all about. Very hush-hush.
           I worked on the Linux machines and have decided to go ahead and keep them in operation, taking time to find the Internet connection problem. The word is that Linux has many “unresolved issues”, but my setup is simple enough to get by with trial and error. The difficulty is that my new work schedule chops the day up too badly to spend any large amount of time at the shop.
           For example, I usually get over to the wig shop between 10:00 and 11:00, which means less than one hour in the shop, as Fred opens at 9:00. There is no reason this will let up or change, the doggie wigs are now logged and being tracked daily by computerized systems. That could have interesting side effects, as I think the factory may have been lulled into thinking they have weeks to reply to everything.
           Now, I am numbering the e-mails and asking for confirmation of each receipt. I figure the worst that will happen is they will know they are not dealing with just Ruth any more. They are being deliberately evasive and elusive about pricing, not wanting to give out their price for individual steps or components. They keep asking for more information and confirmation, saying they will replay as soon as possible. That is not any kind of meaningful time frame when you need the data today.
           A power transformer blew up just as I pulled up to park behind the wig store. Quite a sound, like a shotgun blast. This gave me uninterrupted time to begin to categorize the pile of paperwork over there. Shall we say it was starting to get away on her, taking up to a half-hour a day looking for things. That has been taken down to a few minutes at most.

           On the way back I treated myself to a new microwave. This gave me an hour to scoot around BrandsMart, although I don’t know why I go there. Every dollar you save on merchandise is gobbled up by their incredibly slow checkout. I could not find any information on my new quest. What is that “coaxial” sound jack for on the back of some audio equipment. I assumed digital speakers, but now I hear that is not accurate. What else could they be for?
           I was most taken by the array of plasma, LCD and flat screen televisions. The sizes and prices seen totally arbitrary. These things cost a lot of money even if you are a TV person. There were no decent digital cameras, I won’t recommend one unless I test it first. Digital whatever, the last one who I sent the camera back telling them they “can keep it” have done only that so far. Oh, Nippon Express sent in the full payment, for anyone who recalls that episode. There is an interesting time-lapse recorder in the security department but all the security equipment actually costs more than it did years ago.
           The hour also gave time for my tire to go completely flat in the parking lot. None of my buddies were answering the phone and Fred was at a course. It took me two hours but I got the wagon home by stopping every thirty blocks, jacking up the car, and inflating the raised tire with my bicycle pump. That car has never had a spare. I had to jack it up or the pump would not raise it enough to make a seal. That pump gets hot, seriously hot, at around 20 psi, enough to burn your hands. Be careful. I'm surprised how many people don't know that.
           I may buy a $24 DVD player, they have one that looks excellent at that price. With a coaxial jack. If things keep busy all week, I may even take some time off. I downloaded Love Me Two Times. I may be able to chant that one on key. Signing is still out of my league, but chanting at least I can do in A and E. If I turn out to be totally lousy, I’ll make a career out of one night stands. Anything is better than not playing music and I have always believed that.

           If only I had some talent, I’d be deadly.

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