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Sunday, September 10, 2006

September 10, 2006

It looks perfect out there, so on the bike I go. It is already 8:00 AM. First stop is Starbucks, out of habit, not preference. Now it is 2:30 PM. I called JP to warn him to get his bicycle on the road or he’ll be left behind. I don’t know if I’m done for the day, but it has been 3 hours and 3 minutes to do 28.7 miles. Most of it without a shirt, so I did get a bit red even in the autumn overcast skies. I even had time to stop at Borders to research something.

The good news is that I’m not even winded after the trip. I went south from Hallandale Beach Blvd into the heavy residential area. By heavy, I mean pedestrian unfriendly, no sidewalks and such. This town is also weird for bike paths that go nowhere. Like two or three blocks and suddenly stop.
Here is a picture of me in front of another Trump sign. It replaces the first picture of me scratching my ass in the same pose. I am quick to point out that I’m from the west coast, I think Trump is a bullshit artist who made his money not from brains, but from investing inherited wealth at the going rate, and that he wisely sticks to the east cost with most of his fancy hotel scams.

Next, I find the nude beach, Sunny Isles. I’ve heard of it, but always thought it was much further north up the coast. I paused for a while to look over the clientele. It was predictable – full of the types of men who traditionally have an inordinately difficult time getting laid. Young blacks, pear-shaped house-husbands and off-duty firemen denying their homosexuality. Not one, repeat, not one woman, much less an attractive woman. I equate Florida and small towns with the same problem – too many men all trying the same thing at the same time.

I took in Bal [rhymes with “Gal”] Harbor all the way to 63rd Street but be careful of how they name roads in this area. It was around 11 miles south into Miami-Dade County. Lots of shops with nobody in them. I found a nice little jetty and a quiet beach. I’ve often heard of tidal bores but never actually saw one before. It may not have been a river but the effect is the same. I’ve seen Deception Pass [WA], but there is no mistaking that for a river.
It was starting to bake around noon, and not having even seen a woman in several hours, I went into the bookstore for a coffee. Isn’t it strange, these women who say they are desperate to meet guys won’t let on because it would make them look desperate? When you are a woman, being desperate has degrees. Double duh! Here is where I tell you what I was researching.
Okay, everybody knows Archimedes Principle. So, I take a stone that displaces one pound of water and tie a string to it. Then I dangle it into a bucket of water by the string. Hey, it weighs one pound less. This is not an illusion, it really does weigh less. My question is, what happened to that extra pound? Where did it go? Trust me, it did not disappear. I see a few faces, so I’ll tell you the answer tomorrow.
While looking this up, I found another question. Okay, your MP3 player has a headphone jack. What if, instead of a headphone, you rigged up an adapter and plugged an antenna into that jack? Say, your wireless router or a walkie-talkie, what would happen? I do not know the answer, but I predict that as long as you had any kind of receiver within range that could detect that frequency, you could play back the music. Again, I don’t know for sure.
Then I called JP. To give him a rough time about not having a bicycle. I told him about the 26 miles [at the point I placed the call] and that he would be left in the dust if he waits much longer. It will not me much longer before I begin some kind of a blog. I still cannot figure out how some people know so much about how it is done. That isn’t quite true, what I mean is I can’t fathom how they seemed to know in advance what parts would make money.

Speaking of money, I still say the Internet should be free, driven completely by advertising. That raises a specter – who should see the advertising? I figure it this way. They have just spent 15 years collecting personal information from everyone stupid enough to give it to advertisers. Right? They should now advertise only to those people who ask for it, instead of adopting the outdated broadcast style of radio. They certainly have the capability. They would have to redesign the ads but that is easy. I loathe the 1% of Americans who like junk mail – their insistence on it makes the other 99% suffer. Advertising should inform, not convert.
How about an ad for “Boozing and Boating Don’t Mix”? Actually, this boat wreck is likely hurricane damage. It is a year since the last real storm and they still have not cleaned up all the jetsam and flotsam. I’m talking about lazy workers in Florida, not the boat.
It is now 8:30 PM. Another record, I was on the road 3:48:53 and covered 35.732 miles. By calculation, I burned 1145 calories. There is no direct correlation between such calories burned and weight loss. My charts show that my weight has remained constant since I got the bicycle, despite a steady loss for months earlier on the same diet. Nor am I trimmer or slimmer. My thinking is that the weight gain was uneven, as in nothing for twenty years and then fortyty pounds in the next two. Maybe loss has the same arrangement.
Another scam appearing is batteries. Plainly technology is advanced enough that the manufacturers could provide some way of measuring the remaining strength. I just had two packs of Duracells last less than two weeks each in a camera that normally goes six months. This phrase, “best before 2013” is bogus, because that also means best before yesterday. Another thing I just love is the Duracell “self-closing package”. Wait, there’s more. Now, stores are claiming they can’t keep 2032s in stock. This is the battery used by my name tag. It seems it is the same battery used for a SunPass [pre-paid Road Toll].