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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

April 11, 2007

           Here is a company with an approach that is growing old. The family moving business, implying that they care more about your stuff. Every city seems to have a few of these nicely painted trucks with similar slogans and assurances. The reason this one got my attention is because they also have another truck. That one says “Nice Family Boy”, but it is the same outfit if you read the fine print. It makes one curious why all the trouble to de-emphasize the Jewish part.
           Today, I’m in a rush. I spent the day going over the [immense amount of] material available at the Barry U web pages. Oddly, they do not offer a straight education degree, but several pre-kindergarten and gifted child programs. Take that down, anyone out there who needs a hint where the job money is. I dislike teaching either of those categories.

           My experience is that too many children who are in the gifted category got there through parental manipulation. It is a permanent myth that the rich produce mentally superior offspring, while I admit that academic performance is generally better among those who don’t have to scrape through college. When first I attended, it was on my mind part of every day that I was plunging deeper into debt.
           (I often wonder what my marks would have been like if I’d had a learning atmosphere. For example, my later marks nose-dived 15% when the company I worked for implemented rotating shift work (suddenly, after seven years on the job). My peak study time had the same hours as “afternoon shift” and I’ve concluded ever since that shift work is for no-minds. In fact, alcoholics and imbeciles seem to love shift work.)

           The plan is to proceed with caution. Take one course, maybe two, in the Spring semester. I talked to several departments on the phone and I will be attending a seminar early next week. Of course, if they require any instructor’s assistants, I will take dead aim on that. I know teaching helps me learn at triple speed. If there is any way I can get on with that I will pursue it to the limit.
           I have to laugh at the degrees being offered on line. One of my favorites is the places that say get your MBA in one year. Sure, provided you already have a four year undergrad degree. Sounds like Florida logic. Yet people must be falling for it. Another thing, folks, I never did like that term “undergraduate”. What is that, a joke? Ninth grade is “undergraduating”. And four years of college at $60,000 shouldn’t come off sounding like a negative.

           Luis was over for rehearsal, and I report that in this, our third 90-minute session, we were able to run over the entire “core” song list with one exception (“Counting Flowers On The Wall”). Hang on, let me verify that. Yes, there are twenty tunes on the core list, and we did them all as stated. What surprises me is that Luis does not have as much time to practice as others, has never played on any stage and has learned using the same material I’ve provided to everyone else. Hmmm.
           Mind you, he is still very reserved and it is hard to tell what he is thinking. He has mentioned a Bluegrass club meeting nearby, which I will check out. Otherwise, I have no idea what his musical directions or aspirations are. He said once that he wants to play in a band, but has not reinforced that since. He enjoys the music despite never having heard most of it before. On that point, I know exactly how he feels.

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