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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

April 3, 2007

           This is a nice photo of two people who hit each other [in their cars] in the middle of a wide, flat, open space with no other traffic around. You get a lot of this is Florida. There is no polite explanation for it. This one got me, because although you cannot see it, both cars must have been backing up in the middle lanes of an expressway. The car facing the intersection must have backed into the car backing out of the parking lot to the far right of the picture. Figure that one out.
           The least impolite explanation is that they both acted like they were the only ones on the road. That, in Florida, is entirely likely. Remember, this is a State where, if somebody plows into your parked car in broad daylight, it is considered an “accident”, that is, nobody is at fault. They say on the news that 1,000 people a day move to Florida. Must be the ones who heard about this policy.
           There were no day call-outs, so I biked to the Thrift Store at 11:00 AM, to have another busy day. The store was full of tall skinny blonde women, all married to somebody else. As if I did not know when Robyn left that there would be nothing but leftovers. That is another story. Sales were great, but it was mostly consignment material. That includes one massive boo-boo on my part, which I’ll describe if anything comes of it.

           A lot of customers come in and mess the place up. I know who they are, but what can you do? I guess the big stores get the same crowd. I don’t mind somebody leaving a pair of jeans draped over the rack, but thirty pairs is going overboard. Another item that gets my goat is women callers who think I’m going to take a message for Dickens to call them back. Up yours, lady. I told you he will be back tomorrow, and “call me back” is not a message, toots. Of course, how is a Florida woman supposed to understand that? I mean, shouldn’t everyone who answers the phone carry a pen and notepad? Lady, get your mother to take a message, get my point? Are these the same women who claim men don’t understand what “No” means?
           Another scam making the rounds is the caller who asks if you take Visa or Mastercard, obviously pretending to be a customer. Wrong, it is yet another telemarketer from Visa and Mastercard. They lie when asked if it is a sales call. They can’t take you off the calling list because it is “internally generated” and will argue that they have “a real job”. Way to go, Visa and Mastercard. They think you won’t tell them off because they can identify your phone number. Wrong, and have a nice day.

           There was a steady stream of business after 2:00 PM so I could not begin to start cleaning up. Some people are just so helpless, it makes you wonder. I was able to catch the last half of “Tombstone” in little five-minute patches. Lots of action and an Italian director who believed in close-ups most of the time. You could count the pores on Sam Spade’s nose. Except they were air-brushed out.
           Later, I watched Cheech & Chong videos. It gives me ideas for the stage act, these guys were twenty years ahead of Beavis and Butthead. Wally has again written to say he will be arriving here, but without any address or phone number. I don’t understand the difficulty getting me the information before he arrives, but who knows? I see him being stranded up in Ft. Lauderdale at his daughter’s place unless he complies with this simple request. It seems to me the same thing happened last time. This is the same daughter who did not apologize for giving me the wrong directions back in 2001, and insinuated I was dumb because I wanted to know if turn meant left or right. Lois, that is her name.

           I’ve advised him to get his own wheels once he arrives, as I won’t put up with any more nonsense from Lois. The cat is ill, but I cannot figure out what is wrong. She has a whole series of scratchy lumps around her neck. I peeled back the fur and it looks like insect bites or something. I’ll look it up as soon as I can. I am not prepared for vet bills. The wounds do not seem to bother the cat at all, but they are spreading over the last few days. The cat does not appear to have any fleas.
           To be on the cautious side, I biked over to the Caddy and washed all the windows. I want to throw one of those covers over the car, as it is horribly dusty. That slightly oily Florida dust that smears when you try to wash it off. I also called Luis, the guitar guy, and the plan is to meet up tomorrow at 7:00 in the evening. We shall see. I asked him to bring his acoustic. Last, Ruth called and thinks she talked to me this morning, but it was y’day morning. So, I’ll go in all day Wednesday, there will be some catching up, nothing serious. The refrigerator is acting up again, I need a new one.

           Ah, I just got it. The accident (above). Right behind where I’m taking the picture is a gambling casino. Driver A is speeding away from the casino and notices Driver B pulling out of a parking spot. Driver B sees Driver A fly past and thinks to back out over all the traffic lanes to go to the casino, duh. Driver A, wanting the parking spot, slams on the brakes and throws it into reverse, duh. A reverse T-bone! Idiots in motion.
           There. How was your day?

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