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Saturday, April 7, 2007

April 7, 2007

           Here’s a chap who knows how to beat the Florida heat, although some say he’s gone too far. Fred reports this is a new and toned-down version. The whole rig reminds me of some people twenty years from now if they don’t clean up their act. That is unfair, because I might be doing the same – but I’ll be in Belize and I already drive a bike. So there.
           We have some news from Pudding’s owner, aka Steve the Cancer guy. Yep, he’s arrested for possession, flaked by the Sheriff’s. Got any dope? No? You do now? Classic case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. He reports having gained 60 pounds. I hear about this from other sources. High carb diet?

           His welfare checks have been cut off, caused by his mail being returned to sender. Thus, he has no disability income. His mentor, the Jewish guy, won’t answer his phone on weekends and never did call me back two weeks ago as promised. I told them everything his to go out, including the cat, before Wednesday. I need the room.
           Either way, Steve gets out on the 25th, because he claimed to have some kind of mental condition (what kind of system is this anyway, for the time he’s already been in he should have taken the rap). His friend won’t pay anything out of his own pocket, but does send Steve $40 a week “commissary money”. Hmmm, does that mean a guy in jail has more allowance than I ever did?

           There is a new virus, and this one got past my best defenses. I think it is spyware that is not detected by the anti-virus. It installs itself on the system tray and is impossible to delete, but I’ll eventually find the fix. It is advertising for anti-spyware but creates rapid fire pop-ups like a virus. It befuddles me why the Feds do not pass a simple law that says you cannot put anything on anybody’s computer unless they deliberately requested it. Leave it go and in ten years spyware will be harder to shut down than telemarketers. The people who work there will consider it a “real job”.

           When you overload your dumptruck with construction debris, it sinks into the soft coral base of the Florida landscape. Then you have to pay the big bucks to hire the monster towtruck to haul you out. Except, when you are sunk in past your axles, you’ll have to block off the entire boulevard, all six lanes, and winch the sucker onto the pavement.

           That is when I decided to actually go out for an afternoon coffee. I bought a book and chose a sidewalk cafĂ© on Hollywood [Blvd]. Normally I dislike consuming anything on the dusty sidewalks but the day was too perfect for it. I was lucky to find a place where this entire hour only cost me six dollars.
           The cat. She was driving me crazy last evening, meowing into the wee hours and attracting all the other cats in the neighborhood. I had to lock her in the bathroom, where she panicked for a half-hour and calmed down. There are some lessons in there for human females in heat. If you don’t want to get humped and dumped, quit sending out signals that only attract the strays.

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