I spent the day investigating the coding needed to create a database of the business cards. That is beyond what I intended to do, and takes on a strange proportion upon deciding if a trade has many cities or a city has many trades. The two choices are incompatible and I demand time to think.

I’ve got the entire algorithm worked out in my head, but I do not know how to write PHP code, nor did I ever get around to understanding server software like I planned a year ago. Worse, after reading a few books on OOP (Object Oriented Programming), I cannot trust others to write such code for me. VBA is one of the worst computer languages I have ever seen, and I have seen them all.
If there is a second-worst language, it is HTML, although the authors can always claim HTML is technically not a programming language. As the project would be done to the specs I created today, it would use both of these components. A combination of the worst and second-worst. It says a lot about Florida that there is not one single person I’ve met here that I could go over this with.
Hey, I finally wound up doing a single music act, didn’t I? Why should programming need company? Speaking of music, I decided to dig out those two cardoid mics that the Runt was going to throw out. With fresh batteries, they sound fantastic through the new Gigrac PA system. A hint of reverb and they are great.
I had to dismantle them as they were connected to desk plates. It turns out underneath, there was a standard gooseneck plug. Good, all this saves me $200. I mean, they are really impressive-sounding. I’ll go buy some mic stands tomorrow. I wonder if they still make mini-booms? The only problem with the mics is they look flimsy. (They aren’t, as I’ve already dropped one on the concrete.) Oh, and one of them has an orange pop filter.
In fact, it is not that late, so I’ll bike over and check the mic stand prices right now. Trivia tidbit: the word “walrus” comes from the Norse “valhors”, literally “whale horse”.
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