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Sunday, July 1, 2007

July 1, 2007

           Cooler heads have prevailed (love that cliché) so I’ve still got my fifty bucks. JP has to go to church. It was music that provided the surplus cash, so today is dedicated to learning an entire new set, that is, thirty-two minutes of stuff. I never did find time to research chromium and biotin as additives but I may try them now. Hell, I can afford it.
           Moments later, I have the diet product here, named HydroxyCut, “America’s #1 Selling Weight Loss Product”. At $30 a bottle, let us see if it produces any results at all. Like most people who’ve had an office job, I could stand to lose ten pounds any time. I’ve reviewed the package liner and my current diet and exercise exceeds all their recommendations. Their claim is that I will lose weight up to 4.5 faster than by diet and exercise alone. I weigh 181 pounds today. I have a three week supply of HydroxyCut. The pills contain both nicotine and caffeine.

           This is a significant decision for me. I have never taken any formula for losing weight before. However, what I was doing was not working. I hit a plateau and actually began gaining weight despite a 1200 calorie per day diet and many times the exercise others get [consisting of long bike rides]. My records are complete to date, including my blood pressure, pulse and vitamin intake. Thus, this will be as close to a laboratory as you can get for field testing a weight loss plan.
           Anybody out there interpret dreams? Good, I had an old fashioned one. By that, I mean my vision included a letter written on a typewriter. I don’t place much significance on any dream that includes only what a person has formerly experienced (such as knowing what a typewritten letter looks like), but here goes anyway. The spectral letter said “They sent a Captain Whitier to question everyone. Watch out, he is a real nit twit.”

           Nit twit? That is what it said. So, what is a nit twit? Maybe an example works better. That is a goofy-looking monkey-shaped bow-legged short man who thinks because he has his wife and child out for a Sunday walk once a year, he has a right to take over 12 minutes to order two coffees and a bagel while other people are waiting in line. Up yours, buddy. I refer to my famous “next generation” post, where I make it clear about the statement that children are our best resource and our only hope for the future. Ahem. They mean my children, not your snotty-nosed wailing little inbred retard with your defective DNA. If that is not clear, it just proves my point even more. Ah, now that is a classic vent.
           There is definitely something wrong with Marion’s computer. She is not receiving any email from me, no matter which computer or network I use. I receive hers fine. So, off goes a letter in the snail mail. Is there a virus that prevents incoming email? I would not doubt it.

           That was Cowboy Mike on the phone just now. As predicted, he wants to bring in a third, and that would be Al, the guitar player he worked with in the trio Mudflaps. [Insert joke here about why Florida mudflaps come in threes instead of fours.] Mike kind of made this decision unilaterally and informed me of it just now. However, nobody is really unaware about who is in charge around here.
           The drum box stays for a number of reasons. One, it allows me to form a duo rapidly should any guitar player let me down. Two, the biggest critic of the device is guitar players with less than perfect timing, which you better have to keep up with me. Three, most people who dislike the machine have never heard it programmed properly and truly like it once they do. Four, most solos, not just bass solos, tend to sound better with the drum box in the background. Five, a drum box stifles that Einstein in every band who sooner or later says, “We should get a drummer.”

           It was an easy sell for Mike, because I could tell he had worked with Al a long time and I was thus not against the idea. Next, Al’s picking style is definitely country-folk, and you know that I have secretly never really liked the Blues. I also heard him sing [to himself] to keep on beat at the Jimbo’s first-nighter, and if he can do what I heard over a microphone, forget his guitar playing, I want him hanging around.
           As the pendulum of power swung back my way, I was happy to see that Mike drew the same conclusions about last gig, that if he plays guitar at rehearsal, he should do the same at the show. I also extracted the solid understanding that I, as a non-singing bassist, will never get stuck without a programmed drum-track to every song I play. For that is too risky for me as a band musician. Oddly, although I surprised him with that fact, he got the picture.

           I’m once again warning people about CD-RW disks. They are not what they are advertised to be. They are more trouble than they are worth. Without special precautions and preparation, your data may “disappear” by becoming unreadable on your own machine. Now, I’m reburning my set CD-RWs and planning on going over to Jimbo’s.
           And Jimbo’s was deserted. I made $6 in tips, although I don’t mind comparing that to what some people made tonight. I presented the new set and got a good response. Jimbo’s is not the place for quiet or contemporary music. There was a guitar player in the audience who predictably kept asking me if I knew any music by his favorite bands. He could not name tunes, just the band. That’s how I knew he was a guitar player.
           I can make three hours of music myself, finally. This opens up the options of playing even while others are taking their time getting organized. If this seems a little cruel, recall that I have learned, within 48 hours, every Blues song agreed upon. That includes in most cases going over to Fred’s and downloading the lyrics and music, setting up the PA myself for both practice and the gigs, and programming the drum box. If there is a bottleneck, it is not at this end.

           Steve called, and he livid that his gear was not complete. For example, he had “six or eight pairs of shoes”, but when I got there I found one set of sneakers. Old ones. Plus he does not like the smell of mothballs, so I will have to assure him that the way they smelled otherwise, I would not have kept his clothes even outside my house. Some people still do not know the trick to getting rid of mothball odor. You shake the clothes and hang them in the sunlight. He also says some things got wet, I told him that is not surprising considering they have been under a tarp for over three months.

           HydroxyCut. Just four hours after the first pill, I can say this is a powerful concoction of something. It alters the way your system handles food and generates a tightness around any areas of excess fat, such as the waistline and behind the upper arms. You begin to digest things either faster or better, or at least it feels that way. Interesting.
           For certain I can say that this pill does not leave things the way they were. I admit to being automatically leery of diets, particularly the kind that work for some people simply because they are for once in their zero lives given a regimen. For that, I’ve compiled a list of the top five diets that work for such folk.

           Kirstie Alley Diet. Instead, try to change the way people look at fat women on TV.

           New Age Diet. It is maladjusted society that gives fat a bad name. You are perfect the way you are and others just don’t get it.

           Sushi Diet. Works because you get intestinal parasites from eating exotic raw fish parts.

           Nutra-Diet. Rapid weight loss for first two weeks as all nutrients are replaced with chemicals, substitutes and laxatives.

           Infomercial Diet. Trick people into spending the whole month’s food budget on tiny portions blown up to meal-size by a camera lens. Works even if sucker eats all 90 meals in first ten days.

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