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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 17, 2007

           The leading picture today is another of what I call a “Trump Dump”. That is not just an idle term I cooked up, and I’ll explain. While he may not be personally to blame, he is the figurehead that I associate with the mess of things in Sunny Isles, Florida.
           I figure a few people have already figured out that Trump is not one of my favorite characters. In his defense, I understand why he acts the way he does. I don’t dislike the guy as I do not know him but because he oversteps the line. My diagnosis is that he exhibits the precise characteristics of a man who has always had to pay dearly for sex and he trying to establish celebrity status to find if he can get it for free the way he has always envied those who can. Make sense?

           [Author's note 2016: note that in 2007, I still thought Trump actually built these structures. I did not have a clue he was simply selling his name to the builders as a marketing ploy. I do not unsay a word of my estimation of his character, but nine years ago who could have guessed these qualities were what American needed badly enough to make him the supreme leader?
           Nor does anything I say against Trump detract one iota from his suitability for the presidency. If he is bad for the job, then everyone else on the roster is even worse.
           Oddly, I cannot recall whatever it was Trump did to tick me off, nor does what I wrote give me any hints. I've always written off those who inherit wealth and still claim to be self-made. If I dumped Trump, him bragging about accomplishments made possible only by daddy's money is the most likely cause.]

           Thus, I rate him as that “annoying kid brother with piss in his water pistol”. He is also a relic of a vanished era, what I call the “Brut Cologne Crowd”. He represents the swaggering buffoon of a “business executive” whose imaginary power is based on money or delegated responsibility [rather than any personal qualities]. Imaginary, because these types have to create an artificial life devoid of any contact with real people who would just shrug them off. Trump-types are constantly barging in to contrive situations as they have to continually justify their presence. As in “Get over to marketing and see if there are any un-fired people in there today.”
           I’d had my fill of such people before I was twenty. Like maggots, they have an evolutionary role. It is when they step out of that position that they immediately get in the way of others. So, what brought this on? Well, one of his beachfront properties is finished and now blocks my coffee-shop view of the Atlantic Ocean. That alone is far more than enough to incur my dislike. I mean, with his money, he could have bought the land and left it as a nature preserve, but no. Trump Dumps shoulder to shoulder up and down the entire [formerly beautiful] waterfront.

           The way MS does business just took itself down yet another notch in my esteem. That is hard to do when you are already at the bottom of my scale. I’ve been looking closely at their operations using the guidelines suggested in “Trevayne”, the well-thumbed “reference manual” I mentioned recently. It is about an investigation into how big companies manipulated government to get defense contracts. Back when the government allowed itself to be investigated. Ah, you thought I was reading the book for the fun of it.
           Ludlum is a talented writer and comes up with the occasional gem. One of these, to a tee, describes the way that MS “investigates” small businesses for copyright infringement. They plaster the accusations all over the media. As Ludlum says, “…accusations always appeared on page one, denials on page thirty, apologies on page forty-eight…” It suggests to me that it can be turned into an honor if handled gingerly. You see, MS has a reputation for not doing things right. Nothing will come of this, but the thought charms me, that a tiny shop in some little town could be doing something right enough to deserve an attack from a bloated corporation. See the angle?

           Motion camera news. My new motion-activated camera quit working. I returned them but they are out of stock. I must get a replacement because the things work fantastically. Situation: I see a clip with no motion, yet the camera recorded something. Doubly curious, I follow up. I load the tape onto this computer and step through it frame by frame. There it is! Off in one corner, a tiny blur on one frame. My lighthouse wind chime fell off the hook and the camera caught the fall. You must consider such a camera yourself.
           Today’s trivia. Wallace’s check-in report today contained something that makes perfect sense but most people never give it a second thought. I don’t know how they enforce this rule, although it wouldn’t be too difficult. It seems that the holder of any patent has first dibs on the dot com. That’s right. If you patent a widget, nobody else can register until you’ve turned it down.
           Still, no law is perfect, so don’t name your widget anything like “Tales From The Trailer Court” or “Silly Putty” yeah, yeah . . .

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