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Saturday, August 25, 2007

August 25, 2007

           It is just what it looks like. Meaningless grafitti. But this one sounded so deep and it was just so “Florida”. For a change there was good money today, so I’m tempted to take the evening off. I did some anti-virus installs, which always impresses the hell out of most customers when they see it done right for the first time.
           It was blustery so I was in the shop getting all my networking done. The laptop guy is gone to New York for three weeks. When I mentioned the book I’m reading to Fred, he recalls seeing a movie with the exact same plot, and not that long ago either. I thought I was right up on new movies. Maybe it is an old movie.

           The book makes out like the affair in Africa was a valiant British defense, but what do you expect? In reality, both sides were equally incompetent, but the Germans managed a lot more on flimsier resources. They did, however, manage to start a war along one of the largest lakes in the world without a single gunboat or ferry that could move troops. So did the British, but apparently they brought one up in pieces from South Africa and reassembled it on the spot.
           I spent two hours trying to upload a video in this blog. I followed the instructions exactly and the file was specially created to fit within all the parameters listed. It still came back saying “enter a title”, that idiotic term DVD people use for the movie itself. I put in a proper entry and it still balked. I’ll get it, but not today. Like anything new, if you put off learning it until later, a new version will come out that assumes you knew the old version. Then you are really up the creek.
           Remember Sam, the Egyptian on Hollywood? His son called and I installed Symantec on his Sony VIAO. I’ve never handled one before. It seems to be the “Walkman” of handheld computers, aka PDAs. It is an interesting toy but totally impractical to get any real volume of work done. It also uses a non-intuitive arrangement of mouse controls. The keyboard is tiny and would be challenging even for an experienced thumb-typist. I thought of that laser keyboard (from the show at the armories last year) and the new mouse that fits on your finger like a ring (you point to what you want). The answer is still no until they invent a screen at least twice what was there.

           It became a major operation, but I drained the headlamp cavities and devised an apparatus to blow the water out. Some people might say the holes I drilled will let water in, but hey, at least not higher than the holes like Ford motor company managed with their unionized billions. Hey, Wallace, don’t look too close or you’ll figure out I’m using the air mattress pump. But if you do look that close, in the lower picture you can actually see the spout of water being expelled from the casing. Would a reputable company even allow such a thing to occur? Built Ford Tough, with leaky gaskets.
           Later. By 12:05 a.m. I report that the gig did not go tonight. Nor did three alternatives that I checked out, including the VFW on Dixie. What is abundantly clear is that if you walk in to a lot of local clubs looking like a dejected country guitar player, they lay out the welcome mat. I had a little fun with that, including a waitress over at Jake’s that got right in the middle of a biker brawl but still managed a smile when I arrived.

           It all reminds me of Pudding-Tat, who in conjunction reminds me of the phone company. Instead of true cooperation, she is constantly probing for what she can get away with at your expense and naming your objections as “non-cooperation”. A bit like that charge of “obstructing justice”. They mean their justice, not yours, God forbid otherwise.
           Pudding has taken to finally climbing into bed with me at night, compared to the situation when she first arrived. I doubt it is instinct, I think she is just spoiled. Here is a picture of one of her boyfriends. Be alerted how the old tire adds to the “trailer court” appeal presented here. I thought you might like that touch.

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