My first real paying (solo) gig. On the beach, and it was a picture-perfect Florida evening. Full moon or nearly full making a path over the water right up to the shoreline and a distant lightning storm out over the ocean. It is not tourist season yet. I get the impression most of the strollers are inland locals who have made up their minds not to spend any money before they park. Tips were lousy but I get paid anyway.
It is a good shot of my equipment, you can see the PA speakers and stand, the PA, my equalizer, DVD player, Ampeg (bass amp) and customized Danelectro (bass guitar). It is an expensive setup, but it is designed to accommodate a real trio with drumbox. What’s more, it is meant to give a clearer sound at the generally lower volumes I play at. The bass does not bottom out even at full volume. Don’t mistake me, I have to get top quality sound and this gear cost twice as much as the car I move it in. Since I can’t sing, I have to try harder.
I played most of my material in three hours, which is about right for now. Clearly none of the beach crowd has ever seen a bass show. It was encouraging to see the number of people who stopped on the sea wall to watch. This did not translate into any increased business or tips, although I got twice the usual amount for that location. I got requests for Jimmy Buffet, so I’ll dig something up this week.
Earlier I was at JP’s where we watched an interesting TV movie called “Gang Related”. Unusual plot but still a cop movie, two detectives kill a drug dealer who turns out to be an undercover agent and try to set up a drunk. Except, the drunk turns out to be an alcoholic billionaire.
I talked to JZ about the alarm business. He is staying nights with his dad, who is about the same. I can relate to the weakness that comes after a hospital stay and it must be extra difficult because his dad is very independent. They only keep expensive nurses there during the days now, so things have improved.
JZ was zonked out when I arrived, so I went to Publix and got us some pork chops and applesauce. JZ has never boiled an onion. Then again, he is the only American I’ve ever met who has never liked coffee. He is also allergic to milk, not lactose intolerance, but an actual allergy. We were inside in the A/C all day, as it is still too glaring hot most of the time.
I’m reading a tale about the Everglades. It is fiction but heavily filled with facts and places I’ve seen and can relate to. The story is “Forever Island”. The scenes are around Immokalee and Everglades City. The fishing camp is clearly modeled on the little Safari shop Wallace and I visited just off Alligator Alley.
In the trivia department, I read something should have noticed but never did. Whales are mammals, and must breathe air. That means ice floes can drown them. Some whales have evolved to not have a dorsal fin, and I never wondered about that. It is so they can break upwards through thinner patches of ice to make a hole for air. This got me thinking as to why other whales did evolve a dorsal fin, I mean, if it gets in the way of survival. It’s a puzzlement.
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