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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

September 12, 2007

           Outside of a day off, things were quiet. George, the plywood guy, got around as much as I did. Never did I disqualify myself from the contest, so it isn’t cheating when he goes where I go. First, a jpeg of George at the entrance to Jimbo’s. There is plenty more, but that comes later, maybe tomorrow Meanwhile, take George one step at a time even if he becomes part of a whole staircase.
           The leadup to Disney World has begun and it is a five-hour freeway drive from this area, even on the turnpike. I am glad I’ve raised my prices. That tends to happen once you know what you are doing, dammit. (So the bad news is we are all being paid what we are worth.) Unquote.
           I’ve heard rumors that Disney charges $4.50 for bottled water. Apparently you can buy a cup and refill it as often as you like all day. For $16.00, and they use a different cup every day. I’m further updated the one-way toll on the Turnpike (aka SR-91 Ronald Reagan Turnpike) is $13.50 per vehicle. Is there a pattern emerging here?

           [Author's note 2016: I never did find the picture for today, so here is one from 2016. A nice red northern cardinal.]

           I had some new students, which kind of confirmed again that I may be the only computer teacher in this area that teaches what you want to know. That’s another day at EPCOT paid for. There are stories of major line-ups at Disney, and talk that they are considering a tiered system that gets you past the line-ups if you pay more. What, you though Disney was your friend? You must have watched a lot of TV back in the 60s.
           Steve, the Cancer guy. Sadly, he is now really out of luck. He never paid me the money promised and he started more than one shouting match at the shop. Steve has now been evicted from his hotel and has nobody to turn to. I’m thinking what I could do that would not come across as charity but he has really gone too far this time.

           Later, Dickens calls. He needs [projected] maternity leave the middle of next week. That works out great because I’ll just be back from Disney World. I strapped down Unit 3 (an under-used shop computer) on my two-wheeler and delivered it up to the Thrift. That is one of the last and final computer deliveries in south Florida done on a bicycle, so feel free to bow in reverence.
           He has some offers, in particular a lady who is trying to get “private financing”. That sounds expensive. This is off the topic, I dislike credit. I’m so glad I’m not caught up in that credit-based lifestyle. She apparently has a mortgage, which means a bank won’t even lend her money. What kind of margins do such people live on? Credit tends to make too many people think they are big shots. Besides, credit data is used for far too many other things, as most people find out too late.

           Pulling up the avenue, I saw the neighbor chatting up a babe. A month ago, the guitarist I fired left a half-case of beer in my fridge. I donated to my neighbor’s cause and he will now keep an extra eye on things this weekend. How I love the barter system! Meanwhile, I see that the power company charges me the same no matter what I do after $71. So, I leave the A/C on.
           I’ve collected plenty of advice on the trip to Orlando. It is five hours from here, the best driving route is the Turnpike, which I’ve never been on since a wrong turn in Boca back in 2000. Remind me to mapquest everything tomorrow and pick up extra cat food. I see Kissimmee is far enough from the theme park to rate a separate name on my large scale wall map.
           I like long car trips. It gives me time to think. One plan is to streamline my music operation, which has enough gear for a three piece show. I just don’t need so much equipment most of the time and now the chances of a house gig are low, meaning a lot of setup time. And I’m again considering a real job, at least for a year.

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