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Friday, September 7, 2007

September 7, 2007

           This is what a virus attack looks like. Since what you are looking at is the famous Symantec anti-virus program, I’ve got ten bucks that says this virus was written by an ex-employee. I’ve seen the rapid fire viruses, but not one that could do this to the reputed best anti-virus application on the market. The virus also prevents the machine from booting in safe mode. Brilliant by any standard.
           That’s the Thrift store computer. Dickens is looking to sell and has gotten a few offers. That is the last real thrift in the area. Earlier I had been over at Howard’s taking another stab at Wordpress, the blog site he is using for details on his upcoming trip to China. The one I’ll likely miss because of my passport delays. Wordpress is a long way from user-friendly. It has taken to using unfamiliar words out of context so that a newcomer can hardly be expected to get the thing running.
           We found most of the features with surprisingly little trial and error. As usual with blog companies, they do not make it clear to users that you log on to their webpage and not your blog when you want to publish something. For example, this blog is on a site called blogspot, whereas I have to get into my account on blogger to edit anything. Simple, if you know about that.
           I was in the mood for playing music so I arrived early and stayed late at Jimbo’s. During my first break, Marion called from Orlando, happy to be in Florida. This put me into happy mode for the rest of the evening. We are on for a week from Saturday and I’ve asked to focus on EPCOT. The Disney web site has an aversion to telling people what the prices are. I’ve heard around $79 per adult per day.
           The Hippie walked in around an hour later without his guitar. He stayed for one tune and left. Wasn’t he the one who asked if he could show up and play? Who knows what goes on with people like that? He said my music sounded like the originals (this is astoundingly perceptive for him because they are the originals) but again, who knows what he was expecting? Then he said he was playing at Johnny’s tomorrow, so he was likely over to check out the competition. Dishonesty is the second-best policy.
           Two interesting developments. One, I got a lengthy email from one of the victims being sued by MS over copyright violations. I think I must have saved the guy from suicide, he could not write English but the email is a model of gratitude. The group, which is now nicknamed “The Resistance” had just received the news that a Federal judge terminated at least one case. We believe that termination may have been due to a document I typed.
           Two, in a rare evening when I have Internet access, I get a strange email from somebody named “Somerville” claiming he is being sued by MS. The tone was just wrong, he is on some kind of phishing expedition. It seems unlikely he heard about the group through regular channels. I smell a rat, a big rat. I sent a reply asking him for his case number and details of how he got his information, and to deny in writing that he has nothing to do with MS. This was to scare him off. There was something sinister about that email.
           Today’s trivia is about a man named Jasper, who got pissed off in 1911 and kicked a safe in his office. It gave him blood poisoning and he died a week later. He’d been making whiskey since he was thirteen years old. (He bought the still from the preacher in his home town.) The whiskey lives on and I tasted it once when I was twenty. It was so awful I never touched it again. Everybody called him Jack. Jack Daniels.