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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

October 23, 2007

           Oh no, I’ve got a cold. This will give me some serious time at the keyboard. Here is an interesting perspective on Florida bike riding. You can see the “uparmoring” needed to make a so-called thornproof inner tube roadworthy. It is easy to see the patching over the stem. Look closely to see the outer sheath around the new tube. Even the gap will be covered by the extra strip I glue in over the spoke wells on the rim.
           Nitro PDF is still under the microscope. It is looking good. It has every feature touted by the other (more expensive) apps. I was quizzical a few months back about how some web pages prevented the copy or download of pictures, now I know. For the record, when installed on this non-Internet computer, Nitro did try to inventory my system, planted a cookie and tried to send my system date back to their office.
           I missed a generation of the software because Nitro flings around terms I’ve heard of but don’t understand. Like digital ID and Certificate Signing. I’ll learn fast now. Although limited editing is possible on the PDF documents, it is wiser to make changes on the original and make a new PDF. So much for the modern state of computers.
           Thanks to the time zone difference to California, I lost an ebay bid on some musical equipment worth $349 because somebody outbid me by 25 cents at the last moment and got it for $2.50. I had to buy retail and I now have over $3,000 worth of gear to put on a one-man show. That’s okay, another few months and very few local single acts will be able to compete with my novelty. Not musicianship - novelty.
           Sorry about the bad camera angle but this shot was unique enough to warrant the trouble. This is a boneshaker, or pennyfarthing, bicycle. First time I’ve ever seen a real one and it is yours for $500. There is a footpeg welded on the frame to get up on the bike, the saddle being almost five feet in the air. This must be a wonder to stop at intersections, as the pedals are also far too high to let your feet touch the ground. Your only safe option is to dismount very quickly before any stop. It is unknown if the contraption has any brakes.
           I was in the shop to keep investigating the paths to ebook success. There must be good firms out there even though every ad reads like a get-rich-quick come on. I’m not really interested in setting up a website just to plug a few volumes. So I looked at becoming a reseller. Unless I could find a completely automated system, I’m hesitant. Looking over what is sold tells me ebooks are the best moneymaker, followed by CDs (of the ebooks), then regular books, then audio tapes.
           For Fleetwood Mac fans, I had to reject “Don’t Stop” because it is listening music, not dance music. My act is 110% geared toward dancing. I like that song. Want the real zinger? The Cowsill’s “Indian Lake”, which has a better bass line but that is not saying I’d play it.