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Thursday, November 1, 2007

November 1, 2007

           I have bass-players elbow, or make that upper arm. It is a subtle migration of muscle pain along the tendons that control the rotation of your wrist; you don’t realize there is a connection until you get the condition. What you see here is a Japanese “patch”. It contains medications that stay longer than ointments although I question that any of these methods can give more than temporary relief.
           If things had worked out, this is the day I planned, many years ago, to retire. Hmm, now it looks like it is going to take longer than I figured. How about you? Anybody I know win the lottery? Or have a sister that married the boss’ son? Tropical storm Noel is off the coast keeping things cool but that last comment could start a firestorm in Washington State.
           Today was off to a great start, because the clock on this computer set itself back an hour. Like most people who do not listen to the radio, I am at a disadvantage over certain things. Since I had an hour anyway, I listened to the mostly useless talk station, 102.7 FM. Everybody knows they hardly play any music. Except today, how did they know I was listening for the time? It took nearly the full hour before they even mentioned it.
           I applied for a telecommuting job in Sacramento. It seems legit and I’ll keep you posted. It pays $14 per hour, which is quite good for Florida. The attraction for me is to see how they do it, and to make money during the quiet times over at the shop. They appear to have some software that you log on to and they pay for various projects involving spreadsheets and database entry, nothing complicated. Remember, if it works, I have a whole bank of underused computers and cubicles. The company is called “Spleak” but I can’t find anything on them. Yet.
           America is holding its breath over Dr. Ron Paul. Among other things, he will stop the national ID card. He has spent almost no money on campaigning, but stranger upsets have occurred in American politics. He doesn’t need a landslide although I hope he gets one. I do not understand the issues or politics in general but I despise the civil service and any intrusion of privacy, much less invasion of privacy.
           If a man does not want his name registered anywhere (except where required by the Constitution) he should have the right to prevent it. Credit agencies should be restricted to your name, address and age and be required to ask your permission whenever your file is opened. Police should be held accountable for every investigation. Resumes should be returned if you don’t get the job or upon termination. Some say the system would not work if that were the case, but the system does not work as it is. The rumor is that if Ron Paul is elected, there will be a “JFK-ish incident within the first year”.
           Lessons paid well this week so I may take the weekend off, although Jimbo’s has requested a special Saturday performance. They are hiring a stripper to celebrate something for one of the patrons. Tips should be good so I’ll be there. Later in the day I set up the computer system for the Cocaine Cowboy. Man, I wonder if he knows the police have his place staked out – that same phony guy mowing the lawn across the street all damn day long.
           The cowboy was angry because his computers didn’t work. It turned out to be 100% pilot error. Everything was hooked up wrong that could be. I had to re-wire the whole shebang. Now it works fantastic, partially because he also bought excellent gear. I had earlier advised him to purchase a 2.1 speaker system and he was astonished by the sound. He now has two wireless systems on different channels. He also realizes that he needs lessons.