This is looking west on Pembroke Blvd, with typical Florida winter cloud cover. It is a nothing picture from a nothing town. On the horizon, too small to see, is the Florida Turnpike which mostly ignores the entire area and heads on up to Disneyworld.
More people are keeping an eye on Ron Paul. He is “at risk of being elected”, with record amounts of cash donations to his campaign. (His own net worth is around $250,000 and trust me, I know how little that is.) I’m the worst for politics, which I consider on a par with drowning kittens, but I do recognize momentous events when I see them. Ron Paul proposes to shut down the borders, return to the gold standard and kick out over 20 million illegals.
I’ve learned the term “anchor baby”. This is where illegal aliens have a baby on American soil. The Fourteenth says they are automatically citizens; the feeling is the Amendment applies only if the parents were legal. For once, I agree with a politician.
When the roundup starts, the illegals will have two choices: (1) hide in the immigrant communities and, (2) flee for open country. The communities are the natural first target and can you just see the rest trying to blend into the America who’s laws they have been breaking? Gee, maybe learning English wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
So look out Florida, since there aren’t that many illegal immigrants in South Dakota. Did you know Florida has the most unlicensed doctors of any state? There is one dentist who works out of his garage in Hialeah. Either way, all illegals will be denied free access to taxpayer funded services. To anyone who thinks that is not fair, it won’t be so bad because Ron Paul has promised to cut such services to a bare minimum anyway. Ha!
I spent the day researching software. It was a fruitless. I have a real example, I wanted software that turned my peer-to-peer computers into self-timers. That is, the customer logs on and it begins to time the session, at the end I’m paid for what was used. Simple or what; but no way. I got tons of expensive (for what is needed) client-server returns, all over $100, but nothing for standalones. The clutter was mostly from sites that said “free download”, an odd claim if you are aware of how the system works. They don’t demand money until the final stage of installation, a truly American scumbag concept, thinking they’ve got you trapped now. (See “Cyber CafĂ© Rental Controller”)
What is truly disgusting was the effect of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Web searches are determined by various formulas which meta-tags and keyword counts. The intention is to find what you were seeking. That has been done away with for now the so-called programmers are out to flood you with advertising. They program the web page itself to trick the search engine. They call this a job?
Of the 716 Google results I clicked, all, not some, went to the same four web pages. This is the mindset of the 80s generation. Each disobeyed the rules saying they would lose business is they didn’t. Now nothing works. It won’t be long until every search in the English language leads you to AOL, Yahoo or Amazon. (Actually, somebody is likely to overturn the existing system before then.)
Fred dispatched another man to deal with the battleaxe, Gayle Putalarga. Instead of five minutes, he was gone three hours. See, I wasn’t kidding. Her small-town scam isn’t working on him, either, but that doesn’t shame her. She is now on this kick that she will only deal with Fred and doesn’t care about the “barbershop” arrangements we have. Goodie, does that mean I get to sue the lawyer whose office she sublets? She is about to get royally screwed for the first time in what looks like twenty years. Never mess with your food server or the guy who fixes your computer viruses.
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