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Sunday, December 23, 2007

December 23, 2007

           The entire day was about preparations for the jam next weekend. It seems all of the posters made so far have been taken by souvenir hunters. I will print up another thirty of which half are already promised to people. There are fairly constant inquiries at the pub and emails concerning hours and rules. The most curious ones are musicians who want to rehearse. You can’t rehearse a jam session but the fact they ask says a lot about the situation in this town.
           This poster is a case study in empirical design. It began with my limited artistic adaptation of the old “Not Half Bad” card. Here is today’s version known on my computer simply as “BandPoster64”. Each added item in response to new input has resulted in this “ransom note” effect of six different fonts and a busy-looking advertisement. Since the original was over-written at each layer, the various versions are truly unique and cannot be reproduced.
           Cowboy Mike says he will be happy to play and it turns out he knows how to contact Charles, the sax man. Little Jo also came by and will try to find him. That makes me happy, because Charles was very insistent that I contact him if anything ever came up. Some band called “Fired Up!” says their guitarist wants to do a complete set. The Runt is thrown into a jealous rage but he is being flagged within minutes. He’s remembering when all his friends showed up at Snyder Park.
           One sure sign of progress was a compliment from Will, my top critic. I noticed he came in last Friday and stood by the door for nearly an hour (there was no place left to sit). He stated that he had come by just for a look and stayed because of my new show, and that he was thoroughly impressed by my singing even after he figured out how I was staying on key.
           He further said nobody in the audience could tell and he only noticed it when several times I spoke into the wrong microphone. I’ve already changed things so even he won’t see the trick again. For the record, I really did sing two songs, a duet with June Carter (“Jackson”) and an accompaniment with Dwight Yoakum (“All You Ever Do Is Bring Me Down”).
           I made good bucks today, so had the afternoon off. Dr. Neil has his kids in from California and reminded me to visit the site that is teaching his son to play in a band. I will, because whoever it is stole my idea and made a fortune at it. That is a familiar enough occurrence in my life. I was over there this morning to reconnect his computer and it turns out it was another faulty Dell motherboard. Dell does replace them under warranty, but not the lost time and trouble of crawling behind desks and finding cables. Do not buy a new Dell because they are not really new.
           I also unclogged a laptop that was set to open twelve games upon boot up. What is it with the immature mind and the feudal system? Game after game of the same old castles and evil sorcerers with names like “Drachir” and “Nevik” (spell backwards). Every game has the same basic characters and plots, which can also be said of the players. It is scary to know for these games to succeed, theremust be millions simple-minded men in the nation.