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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March 5, 2008

           Is it the Keys or the trip? You keep getting more pictures by request. This is the view from one of the bridges between islands, looking ESE over the Caribbean. The new overpasses are intended to restore a natural flow of water between the artificial bays created by causeways. The damage from the blockage is instantly noticeable by the different color of the water. The locals say there are fewer fish on the western side. JZ agrees.
           “Tennessee Flat Top Box” was a hit by Johnny Cash. It is another tune I can pick on the bass while a rhythm guitarist chords along. Admittedly I’m inclined to like such music. It makes people think I know how to play and that is always a lot of fun. The song gets mention because it is number one hundred that I play in my standard set, a milestone for me.

           Thinking about some of the test questions from last day, I spent an hour reading up on poverty as a social, not an economic, problem. I see the government definition of poverty has not changed in thirty years. Economically, poverty is when a family spends more than 33% of their annual income on food. No more caviar for you.
           We have a system designed to measure your level of education or blood alcohol, yet has no stupidity index. That is, the government is afraid to openly admit that the primary determinant of poverty is a lack perspective on life, ie, stupidity. It would hurt too many people’s feelings. Rich people gamble, but they don’t play Bingo or buy lottery tickets. I learned this by direct observation; while stupid people go through the same motions, like getting a job or getting married, their grip on reality is beyond feeble. They would never ask, for example, why there are no New Age books on the topic of bond discounts.

           Alas, I must report yet another ape-grade tacky Florida scam. Brown Mackie University. I responded to a career ad for a computer teaching assistant. There was no such job. I fell for it. No matter how qualified you are, it will never be qualified enough and so they “help” you by putting you on their telemarketing list to take the courses they think you need. They maintain it is not a telemarket list, but they would say that, wouldn’t they. Proof that there is no limit to how low they sink in this part of the world. It is truly disgusting. I am also sad to report that Barry U. did the same thing. In each case, my employment inquiry got “mistakenly” placed on their sales call list.
           Is everyone ready to watch me make a dumb decision? I’m hoping that has some entertainment value. Here’s the dilemma. The raw music files I use to generate my MP3s are quite large. Over ten gigabytes for those hundred songs, too large for even a double layer DVD. These priceless files contain all the changed keys, fancy intros, clipped endings, generally everything that makes my act unique. Do I split the files by type, by name or by size? Each decision is wrong in some way. I’m going for the alphabetical method. Moments later, it is churning and appears to be going okay. A lot like a Florida job application.

           Half done and the patient is breathing normally. These are by far the most valuable disks ever burned on this system. (In the end, they rarely got used. I learned I could solo without any help.) I spend roughly twice as much time on the music as on typing, so the dollar value is rather high. This is computer recently rewired and if this works, expect a few goodies soon. Hey, this whole data DVD thing was coming, I’ve got a huge drawer full of data CDs.
           Can you believe how exciting this is? Keep still, will you! The elaborate verification process I’ve learned with the CDs seems to be paying off here, I am rushing nothing and doing complete low-speed verifications of each five minute (16x) burn. Of course, some day it will be a laugh but right now that is a lot of data for me to commit to three plastic disks that I can’t trust.

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