kay, Tennessee is the topic. I still don’t know if it is a he or a she, so make it a he for now. That cat may be feral because when two identical pieces of meat, one raw and one cooked, are presented, he chooses the cooked. The cat story is the question of how I would have two such pieces of meat. I have the notion that outdoor cats can’t survive well on canned food. When I’m at the butcher, if I spot any meat that costs less than a dollar a pound, I get it fresh for Tennessee. This is where perspective enters.
To some people, such meat may be scraps. I got a huge pack of turkey necks last week, too many to fit in one pot. So I had some cooked and some raw. While I don’t normally eat turkey necks, they make excellent soup, which I’m enjoying right now. Hint, they also perk up boiled vegetables if you throw one in. Tennessee gets one small meat ration per day at random times. I miss a day every so often to keep him foraging. Pudding-Tat turns her nose up at meat, while Tennessee eats every last shred and hides the bone. The two cats still don’t get along.
My phone is at Donovan’s. I found out too late in the afternoon to get over there. Still no word from Wallace meaning he is likely on the road. I braved the heat to look closer into the forest during bright daylight to see what needs doing. The sprinkler system is placed behind the brick posts. My prognosis is that this green area, to be properly maintained, has to be “weeded” and that means crawling in there. If a better hedge-forming plant replaced the spindly vines around the perimeter, there could be a great private shady garden in the overgrown area (around 1/30th of an acre, huge by Florida standards).
To escape the heat further, I went to the Hollywood library and read up on gardening. There are no indigenous shade trees for this area, they don’t survive the hurricanes. The tall skinny local variety make bush too thick to walk into. That means shade has just become expensive. The place should be trimmed back to the dozen or fifteen healthiest trees and let them grow.
Another book on cholesterol written by another doctor found its way into my pile and it contained charts from the American Heart Foundation. It appears that one of the leading causes of heart attack (if you die right now, chances are overwhelmingly that it will be from one) is not mentioned, as if it would offend too many people. It is called “inactivity”. Running your finger along the charts, inactivity is right up there with a high cholesterol diet, drinking and high stress combined. It is, in fact, slightly worse than smoking which is considered (otherwise) the greatest risk. Why all the hush-hush about fat lazy people? See if you can follow this statistic: almost as many smokers have high athletic lifestyles as there are fat people who never exercise.
Yes, I was reading up on triglycerides. Your liver not only creates them, it recycles them. This can begin to occur at any age and the balance is very delicate. The above book advises people to walk thirty minutes per day. Yeah, where you gonna walk that isn’t boring after the first week. Worse, drive your polluting car to a new walk? These doctor-authors so quickly loose touch with reality but the air does get a little rarified that high up in heaven. They also say to eat right but don’t explain why years of exceeding their recommendations don’t work. I rode my bicycle six miles today and just finished some home-made biscuits with turkey neck gravy.
I wonder if Sherlock would have gotten this one. I can tell when anyone has been sitting in my chair, the swivel reading chair. While there is no pattern to when I use it, when anybody else gets up, 100% of the time the chair is facing the television, even when it has not been on. The security tapes show people will often turn my chair to its “correct” position. I call this the “fireplace effect”.