The repairs on the Taurus will run around $200, of which $130 is parts. The power windows have never worked right since Manuel had to replace that door latch from the unsuccessful break-in. There is a short in the switch somewhere. Except for consumables, that is the first money I’ve put into the car in a year and I won’t complain. Moments later, I’m back and the A/C conversion is done. It got dark out so I’ll leave the recharging until dawn. It really was simple but I won’t do that again.
There was also time to research the shower enclosure. That is another task that the books say is very easy. While I’d be very careful and proceed slowly, it consists of a base plate and three matching panels in a few standard sizes. Some of the prefab enclosures even have the door installed. With luck, the existing closet may take a good sized plate without much modification. The tubing part is much like working with a mechano set. The existing lines are high up in the crawl space just a few feet away. That can wait for Wallace to look it over. The price is right and the work is actually fun and invigorating.
Mila was getting in as my dead car rolled around the corner, so she gave the guitar dude and I a lift up to the parts store. What can I do to convince everyone she is a winner, a keeper? She saw there was trouble and helped out instantly. She is not from Florida, that is for sure. I had the unpleasant duty of reminding her to keep looking for a place, to which she replied she has been searching all over. There is no place as nice as this anywhere near the price range and good neighborhood. Still, she knew the rules and all she can do is hope for the best. My point of view is more in her favor than ever now that I know we’ve found somebody who can look after the whole place in our absence. As far as I know both Wallace and I will be out west by November and I’d like to be gone at least two months, possibly three.
I was up at the lumber store and priced out the few remaining bits and pieces for the new bedroom. The temperature is down to a constant 84 degrees with the A/C and two fans, not bad considering the design of the space. (That is still too hot for sleeping.) I will do a far better insulation job in the next few day as there are still large gaps around some of the temporary partitions I threw in to test the concept. I broke down and invested in some new fans, including a twin fan in the bathroom. The old [bathroom] ceiling fan seems to have been removed. The vent is there, but nothing else. Again, we’ll wait for Wallace.
That fan belt put me a half-day behind schedule, so I’m going to practice up some extra music over a pot of coffee. The Jimbo’s owners like Yoakum which presents a slight challenge. A live band would rarely play it like the Yoakum originals for a lot of his music is patched up studio riffs. I have to follow those riffs, so I have to custom memorize every song.
In the secret passage department, I seem to have blocked Pudding-Tat’s access through the new bedroom. As I began fitting the finishing panels and insulation, she can’t find her way back inside any more. When Millie arrives, I’m fairly certain somebody is going to take that saber saw and make this place pet-friendly. (Referring to the lack of pet doors, so each time the pet wants out, somebody has to slide open the patio door.) For example, that litter box is going out into the northeast reception area if I have to knock out another wall. Ha, just joking, Wallace.
There are an estimated 260 large and medium flowers in the forest, all of which have been blooming steadily for months. They grow on the trees and vines, and are pink, red, orange and purple. I’ve determined the only way to get things pruned is to go in there with a pickaxe and clear around the base of the flowering trees. Give them some grow space. I would also like to trim back the branches nearest the structure to prevent hurricane damage and to discourage spider webs across the patio. These arachnids have the largest natural space left in town and they have to put their webs over the people area. Talk about pushy.
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