To make things a little easier, I will provide a partial list of the places I have not looked. Bingo halls, geriatric wards, churches, Legion halls, eHarmony and clubs that require membership. You may disagree but I am looking to avoid problems, not take on somebody else’s. When I was back west, I went to every night spot, evening course, park, social event, flea market, day cruise and bake sale in driving distance for ten years. Hell, I worked for the phone company. I met lots of women but not one keeper. Remember, I am blonde, blue-eyed, played in a band, was thin and athletic and I drove up in a Cadillac. If you are looking for some obvious reason I never connected, you might as well speculate I have a fear of rejection. Or that my personality isn’t outgoing or maybe I have no personality. Are you part of that crowd?
I’ve met my share of women who have told me I make them wish they were single, or that I’d be a real catch. That doesn’t do me any good. To put it mildly, I’m meeting the single women who nobody has asked out on a second date in ten years. I said to Wallace, for all the good it does to be a single hard-working man looking for a girlfriend, you might as well pile in your car and drive out to Florida.
It was an unusual Thursday, normally my quietest day. Seven regulars came in nearly at once and I had no Internet service. The newest Sasser virus (which is actually a very old virus, one of the originals) proved too difficult to treat, so I did a lobotomy. I am now going to eradicate IE (Internet Explorer) from my system, along with OE (Outlook Express) and all IM (Instant Messaging). I’m barely half done and have to greatly upgrade my entire anti-virus system, not just the software. I spent two hours in the library just investigating the options. Fred and Mike were out of the shop and the flood of phone calls slowed me down.
Later, I raced down to Boston Johnny’s and missed the opening set. I was not on time and my following had left. The good news is Arnel and I put on a great hour-long show and it is clear our duo performance has a lot of novelty shock value. People are not expecting to see us do what we do the way we do it. There is a mismatch to our appearances, styles and material that has a lot of potential. He is planning to drop in to Jimbo’s tomorrow. I stopped there tonight and the big screen TV is in the car outside. I’m too pooped to haul it in.
Trivia time. My goal is to diminish the telemarket calls without incurring the expense of new advertising a changed telephone number. Business is slow and since we know we have the best little shop in town, we’ve decided to step up advertising this week. I will need my phone, so here is the plan. Have you hear of Telezapper? It is a product that eliminates telemarket crap on your answering machine. The trivia is how it works, and I will tell you in a moment. I am looking at using the same technology on my cell phone answering mode.
Telezapper puts three tones on the line before picking up the call. The telemarket robot is programmed to detect the “doo-dah-dee” tones heard when you reach a disconnected number. Those tones are 985.2, 1370.6 and 1776.7 Mhz. This causes the telemarketer to flag your number as non-working and delete it from their database. Eventually, they will catch on, but until then, they are stupid enough to be telemarketers in the first place, know what I mean?