Okay, ID this bottle of wine. The label says “Barolo” and some Italian wording that it is quality controlled by Daffara & Grasso. One of my students gave me this after a very successful anti-virus operation. The thing is, with him, I don’t know if this might be a very expensive import. I’ll look it up. Not being a wine-drinker, I’ll donate it rather than keep it around. The sharp-eyed can see the Taurus parked six stories below.

I was busy all day with the newest round of computer viruses. There is a version called “about:blank” that sets your IE browser to nothing and another called Ultimate AntiVirus 2008 that installs and runs itself and cannot be deleted by any method I know. It does not appear in Control Panel, the Registry and deleting the files from the User directory does no good. A very clever virus that advertises a program that you must purchase for $69 to get rid of it. I have a nasty surprise for them once I find out who is doing it, but either way, I hold the company “SoftPayDirect” responsible because that is who does their billing. If you do any business with companies that install software on computers without permission, you are guilty in my books.
The monsoons have begun and Wallace is seeking a pet groomer to get Millie trimmed for this climate. She has found the garden and loves to lie there in the shade. Wallace cleaned up the patio area, let me tell you it is great to have help around here. A lightning strike took out my KDS monitor so we are heading into the shop tomorrow to work from there.
I was up in Ft. Lauderdale on another anti-virus mission and accidentally walked out with my client’s cell phone in my pocket, so I’ll have to go back again. That’s the bio diesel place and I’m curious how things are going with the pilot plant now that gas is becoming a luxury. Say, the return might give us a chance to go see that Pro Bass Shop which is right on the way. The bio diesel computer is also experiencing AOL problems. These come from the cumulative little settings that AOL 9.0 memorizes or asks you for as time goes along. Eventually they “take over” your computer and you can’t do anything else. Put another way, AOL is the first indication you don’t know computers from a hole in the ground, but you think you do.

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