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Thursday, October 30, 2008

October 30, 2008

           Here is a nice photo of the kids getting along so well. That is not usual, because Pudding-Tat knows she can stare down Millie-Belle. I’ve already had to speak to her about picking on the poor, helpless dog. We figure they must get along most of the time since the place is not trashed when we come home. I had to move fast for this shot, but that is Pudding-Tat on the chair and Millie-Belle on the floor. Every pet owner’s ideal setting.
           Other than some filming, most of today was getting ready for the Halloween gig. We are getting better at filming each scene as be eliminate the hilarious mistakes. Many of the repeats are going well the first take. Either that, or it plain helps when you have an idea what you are doing.
           That does not mean a holiday took place over here. I still put in almost two more hours on that fig tree. The stumps will require a chain saw, in case I didn’t say. How many small leaves can one tree have? Two bags full.
           There are just a few shots left before the editing process begins. But they are the tricky shots that require lots of preparation. For example, we don’t have a small table for the restaurant scene. Every spy movie has a restaurant scene. It’s the police movies that must have at least one visit to the stripper bar. Sorry.

           Arnel and I had the crowd going up at Boston’s. In an unusual move, we played nearly a half hour as a duet. The rules are three tunes per musician, but bass playing doesn't count. Good bass players are so hard to find, they get a break. Or your act stays solo.. It is clear the two of us would make a deadly country band. Sadly, there are very limited venues for such music in this territory. (I was later to find out there is huge demand, but no able guitar players willing to learn non-rock music.)
           Just time for some trivia. It turns out that I was not imagining the lack of peanuts in my Crackerjack. The original product from 1893 had more peanuts. Today the bag contains “9 nuts per ounce” (of popcorn). Even then the wording is tricky because it is usually half a peanut. Cheapskates. You say that isn’t enough trivia? Okay, how many knights sat at the round table? I know. It was 150. So that was one big table.
           Two pets sit at our rectangular table.

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