This picture has nothing to do with the blog, but think I will place it here on days when the regular picture is delayed. To my regulars, ignore it. The idea is to encourage new readership. Yes, that's my keyboard next to my new neighbor.
She is back. Informing me she was the singer of my band. Since the place was full of people, I informed her I was not interested in changing my format. It seems I had to repeat that close to 15 times and she still didn’t get it. Wasn’t I “interested in improving my act”? Derogatory statements like that. Things a failed real estate agent would say. The crowd was shaking their heads. I have no doubt she would do well in a biker bar but I don’t play in one.
Then she told Fred she lived in Hollywood and asked for a ride home. By the time they got to Hallandale (the next town over) she kept telling him “just up to the next corner”, he told her to get out and walk. He had to be somewhere else. If she comes back, I’ll need a deposit before she can use my system.
Rose is a hefty 35 year old unemployed woman who still thinks she is 16. Acts it, thinks it, talks it. Dolly Parton said it right, to the effect that all the dumb blonde jokes didn’t bother her. Because deep down Dolly said she knew she really wasn’t dumb, and she also knew she really wasn’t blonde.
I took the evening off to watch “Sahara”, the movie I once praised for originality. It concerns a Confederate gold ship that sailed up the Niger River. Fascinating historical intertwining, although that female lead grates on my nerves. She is everything I hope I never have to put up with in a woman. Bitchy, pushy, educated beyond her intellect, constantly preoccupied with how much nagging men will put up with. Including that fake crimped hair that spellbinds unmarried woman over 22. I know, just a movie role, but she does it so realistically, she would not last ten minutes in my world. That’s not even as long as Rose.
Always a fan of novel movie plots, I watched “Sahara” for the technical details. I have a plan to write a book called “El Kavorite” which I hope will be accurate, but not factual. My plot is geared to be made into a movie. What I need is a missing U-boat. The Germans built 1178 of them, of which 704 were sunk. The rest were captured, scuttled or surrendered—except for a few that are unaccounted for. I need to find one that is known to have sailed for South America and disappeared. Kavorite is a play on Cavorite, for anyone who remembers what that was.
During this research, I read an article on proximity fuses. The secrecy about them was not so much the technology, but the fact that they could be mass produced for about $19 apiece. It only takes one to knock down a $200,000 B-17. What I learned new was that these shells also had a mechanism to detect and explode the shell if it began to tumble. Now I’m curious. Was that to destroy any shell that might fall back, or because the explosion of the first shell would detonate other shells nearby? I see the advantages of both.
For a day off, I was too busy to buy a new bicycle tube or shop for bread. I keep telling myself it was my plan to do all the resting I needed when I was older. But it would be nice to take a whole day off and go for a walk. I can’t watch TV unless I have a book to read during the commercials. I disapprove of the ads for prescription drugs. Besides, it doesn’t take a prophet to notice the people that have all those “TV conditions” are also dull, overweight and uneducated. Particularly that displasiatic lady with type 2 diabetes. Displasiatic. That’s grossly fat from the waist down.
Who’s that comedian that says certain clothes should have an age limit? He knows what I’m talking about.
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