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Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 12, 2009

           A guy came in the shop today with something I have not seen in 10 years. A DOS program that required Windows 95. I told him to get instructions from the source, and by golly, after a few reminders that programmers were just as stupid back then, I got the thing to run [in a shell]. I asked him for $25, and in another thing that has not changed, he only had $13 on him.
           Pet medical. I see that like human insurance, the sellers have stratified their offerings non-additively. For clarity, that means some of the more expense policies do not include features of the less expensive policies. You really have to read the non-sensical fine print if you can. The benchmark seems to be an outfit called VPI and their monthly prices range from $20 to $40. The coverage remarks indicate a nearly veterinarian-grade education is required to understand what they are talking about.
           The fine print on the pet policies borrows much from human terms. Pre-existing and inherited conditions are excluded, as is orthodontics. Could I have a show of hands who has ever seen a cat with crooked teeth? Specifically mentioned as excluded are leukemia, cancer and heart conditions. There is also a repeated qualification that certain procedures and cures apply only to animals with a certified record of past treatment and inoculations. Now we got your rat on file, too.
           I was going to write a paragraph about mouth-watering food this month, but I figured Wallace already knows he is missing out on the good times and the best weather. He trimmed some of the forest plants back to stumps. I told him the weeds didn’t return, but this week the stumps did. It is Spring and they are sprouting. This nullifies Wallace’s concern that the soil here is too sandy. This also tells us that a fine hedge will grow as soon as we get around to planting one.
           The return of superb weather makes bicycle trips a joy. I have 4,512 miles on my wheels. Today I did a circuitous route around the entire town and poked in at sixteen local pubs and clubs to take a census. This confirms the beach is the only area left with any sizeable crowds. I don’t count on Saturdays because except for city center, the working class disappears. Fridays are also out for the opposite reason that you get an artificially high count. The sad news is the average attendance per club is 4.1 persons, all long-term regulars by the look of it. Very long-term.
           I also dropped into Jimbos No Windows to move my equipment out of the way of the karaoke show, only to find it already moved and covered up in the back. Wandaron was starting to set up and I had to leave. Somebody was playing country on the juke box so I didn’t even stick around to play Cash Cab. What? Oh, I play country music, not listen to it. Keep that crystal clear. Besides, who wants to sing to 4.1 people?