See the beautiful waterfront. This is the east bank of the Fear River looking north toward Market along Front Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. It was a gloomy weekday but it made for a great afternoon. Teresa and I borrowed a car and hit the heights since my return date could be as soon as tomorrow. The waterfront is completely fixed up with plenty of cafes, bars and tour boats.
Teresa and I toured a sailing ship which has a remarkable construction history. It was a private yacht half-built for a Brazilian who never showed up. Maybe he “disappeared into the witness protection program”. The local American Indian societies bought the hulk and finished the construction. From the waterline up it is a true wooden ship. Below sea level, it is computers, diesels and servant’s quarters. The masts and bowsprit appeared to be metal but don’t quote me. Across the river, there is a battleship at anchor. I have not seen one since the USS Missouri back when Rusty was attending La Jolla (New Orleans).
We drove south to what the map said was Cape Fear. It is a large peninsula, composed of several small beach communities. If it turns out, I will have a dramatic photo of a pier out into the Atlantic. I’ll have to enhance the shot due to fading light. Teresa and I stopped for hush puppies and sandwiches. We asked around about the nightlife. We both get out a lot more together than individually, but don’t get any ideas and I won’t. There is room for musicians and it would seem quite a few acts are making a living at it.
We were told to visit the “Rocks”. Unfortunately, that is all they were. Somebody dumped huge chunks along a few hundred yards of beach, possibly to prevent erosion. It is unnatural and looks bad, actually. Out west, such boring but secluded parts are know as “Pecker Point” or “Knob Hill”. On the return, we got temporarily lost on yet another Sir MLK boulevard. (Judging by his excellent roadway system, Martin Luther King was an outstanding civil engineer.) This route took us the long way around the north end of town in darkness. But I know Wilmington now.
By late evening, lack of sleep over the past few days put us out. Teresa’s dad has given her a huge RV to live in, it is the size of the place I had over on Federal. Teresa is a lucky gal, and I think the move is going to be nearly perfect for her. You watch, we have not seen the last of that spry lass. For me the project was good exercise and my shoulder muscles are feeling it. I may have overdone it helping load the truck, something Teresa told me not to do but I was at hand when one was needed.
[Author's note 2016-04-05: little did I know this was the best time I would ever have with that woman. I understand now she was setting me up with the nice lady act, but had every intention of taking me for what she could. But her family seemed nice enough, giving her a free place to come back to and all, who would have thought she was such an evil person? The details will appear a year later than the above, but she turned out to be a conniving, backstabbing, and disturbed individual. Wallace liked her, so she even played him to get out of paying her share.]
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