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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 8, 2009

           Here’s a purposely amateur shot of Fred’s Harley. The handlebars are being replaced and I never knew it made so much difference in steering. The motorcycle mechanic must be an extremely trustworthy person judging by the number of customized machines he’s working on. Up at N. 24th Street, Hollywood, FL.
           Next, I found some mail boxes already. In this case, we are putting otherwise dead office space into operation. The footprint of the boxes is less than 4 square feet. I pity the people who wait until after retirement to experiment with [this type of] small business ventures. You can’t keep doctoring and lawyering forever and I’ve known too many employees who assumed they could run a small business in their later years.
           If all goes right, I’ll have 60 boxes in here by Saturday. If one customer in eight rents more Internet time, I be happy. I am risking a whole $180, which is a tenth the price I was first prepared to spend. The boxes are up in Boca Raton. Another thing we are all in complete agreement about is our store needs more people in the door every day. Anyone following this blog for the last two years knows how I’ve wracked my brain over this, for in fact, the entire downtown area is suffering the same problem. No people. While we have no idea whether mailboxes will work, for the price of a used laptop, we are about to try.
           Teresa needs help with the things she left behind so I’ll store some of it here. After phoning around for help, I got another lesson that everybody I know is self-employed. I finally called Arnel. This situation has to be a first. Never in the history of Florida did any woman ever get such exceptional, talented and educated manpower to move furniture. There is a lesson in here somewhere, imagine Arnel and I moving something besides musical equipment.
           Computer talk. I won’t tell you how it is done, or why, but so much for the AOL security system on MS Vista. All you do is create a second admin account and use it to delete the offending passworded account. Took less than an hour, and I don’t even know Vista. Only idiots and hockey players still use AOL. It was a callout so I charged the guy full price. That, and because I had to figure out how to get past the unknown password to get to the user accounts. Takes know-how.
           Y’day I spoke too soon about the “Sopranos” in the old lady young man department. The very next episode has the wives in Paris fooling around. The problem with blogs is they display backwards, with the newest post at the top. Maybe I said, but there is a way I could trick this blog into reading oldest to newest post. It is most dumb whoever designed them didn’t include that option. Back in my day, you had to take at least one course in English Lit and you would know that reading is supposed to be chronologically sequential.