Wallace brought me a book, “The South Beach Diet”. I read the opening chapters of this logical book around ten years ago. The author, a cardiologist, made sense because he studied why most diets fail. I did not really read past the part where he said I would have to give up Carnation [evaporated milk] in my coffee. However I will take another look, although I am skeptical that the reason diets initially work is because they impart a little self-control into some people’s lives, often for the first time. And they fail once the sloth returns.
The claim is this diet is designed not to fail. If I do this thing, it means Wallace gets the same. The regimen says no spuds, rice or bread for two weeks. This is Phase One of the diet, learning to overcome appetite for certain foodstuffs. Two weeks is not bad if I can sell the story to the National Enquirer. If Wallace agrees, we will go on what is certainly a famous and enduring diet plan. Let’s see who caves first. I have no problem living on raw fish.
Millie the lab dog is not well, so I dragged her onto the big carpet and raked her down with the hair comb. It is probably jet lag, I mean, what in millions of years of evolution prepares a dog for daylight savings? She seems fine to me, if lacking a little of the old spunk from last years. Let me see if I can calculate her people age before I run out of fingers. Millie is short for Millenium, so she was born in 2000. That makes her shy of 59 and I say she should be slowing down. Pudding-Tat is around 3 cat years.
It is never too late to learn a trade. I replaced 11 heels today, the tricky part is working the grinder for a smooth finish. At this rate, Alfredo is happy since I pulled in three times my pay and I don’t even really know what I’m doing yet. Around 15 years ago, I knew a shoemaker in Caracas. He owned a four bedroom house behind the shop, full of pet monkeys and birds. He had managed to do something my illustrious and fully employed parents never could: he put all his kids through university, including the lovely Fiory. I once asked him how many days in his life he had no business. Zero.
Now mind you, I have no plans of a career in shoemaking. It is only time before Chinese shoes on the market will attain a quality and price that makes replacement cheaper. The foreseeable future says there will still be a large market for European shoes, which represent almost all the business.
Trivia of the day. The slang term in Spanish for the heel of a shoe is “taco”. How do you figure that? They don’t even taste the same.
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