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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September 29, 2009

           What’s this then? Club XTC is on the block again. Who’d a thunk it? I could dig back in this blog and show the accuracy of my predictions concerning this place, but that would be tacky so I won’t. The bottom line is at 10,000 square feet, this place would not be full if every lboozer in the city showed up for happy hour. It was also a frightfully expensive place. This is the joint I had considered playing in the lounge but wisely decided to let them call me. Now they are gone. Shows you what can happen when you don’t have first class acts like mine to keep them coming back.
           Since a day at work bores me as much as anyone, let me talk about Mars. I follow the project avidly, for as you know, I regard it as 40 years too late. With the way things are going, it will be 75 years overdue by the time we get there. It is exactly the way things are going that forms my opinion. There are mental peons in charge over there, wasting billions “humanizing” the mission, rather than abandoning all forms of tribal behavior and getting the rockets up there.
           I see the main obstacles as the weak-minded insistence of certain types on what is to be included. First and foremost, Antarctica has taught us women cost seven times as much to support. We can’t afford them until later, after the exploration phase. At the same time, working at the phone company showed me how some men can fanatically conceal their sick religion and sexuality until after they are hired for the job. For that reason, I believe the transport ship should incorporate a jettison module, Earth return capability optional. The first wrong word that comes out of their pie-hole in outer space gets a one-way ticket.
           The mission is also made the more expensive and fragile by too many concessions to the wrong kind of people. This is a scientific mission through outer space, not a pleasure cruise of creature comforts. Those who need constant contact with their families, soap opera re-runs and private chapels do not belong inside a space capsule. Some say they could never weed out these sort, but I say they could at least try so hard that anyone who gets past the screening is an obvious charlatan. I maintain to the end that we have no business sending certain types of humans to other planets, and that includes the kind who can’t/won’t (same thing) fend for themselves right here.

           The worst thing we could possibly do to Mars is export our social programs, political parties, religion and faggots up there. And be adamant about it from the start, since these manner of people are not exactly self-disqualifying. Mars is an opportunity to begin anew now that we’ve learned immigration doesn’t work right.

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