FireHow takes top billing again. I published ten articles and earned 22 cents. But, as Ben said, "What good is a newborn baby?" He was referring to people criticizing a new invention. That's Benjamin Franklin, who always insisted I call him just "Ben". Or at least he would have had we ever met. Ha ha, oldest joke in the Atlantic Southeast.
It is with great interest I follow the top people, and they are as to be expected with authors, a real mixed bag. One lady sports 148 articles on such topics as how to look "skinny" in your facebook pictures and how to apply makeup to conceal pimples. She's from San Diego. FireHow has an elaborate profile system, but I tend to base more by the nature of the articles written. I mean, all women post flattering pictures, but articles like "How to live on an army salary" or "How to induce labor at home" give me a lot more insight. Yes, those are real posted topics from FireHow.
I see many positive references to eHow, but frankly I have very little experience writing short descriptions on doing simple tasks. I once wrote directions on how to burn a CD and the final product was eight pages long, not including graphics. Thus I'll stick with FireHow for now. I'll know I'm getting somewhere when others try to copy my style. I say "try", because believe it or not, you don't learn to write like this all in one day. Hell, must have taken me a week anyway.
For now, the FireHow women write about cleaning tips, gardening and family, the men write about cars, business and computers. That's why I'm going to post an article about how to make your own puncture-proof bicycle tires. It's my stab at being eclectic.
[Author's note 2017: it's likely covered elsewhere, but I gave up on FireHow for the same reason as I rejected all other advice sites--lack of quality control. Although the Internet was not designed to be dominated by idiots, it also had no built-in safeguards. The only thing most idiots would grasp is the total number of hits, which I understand. But it takes somebody like Iosef Stalin to comment that quantity has a quality of its own.
Yes, that "Iosef", not "Josef". There is no J in the Cyrillic alphabet. Note, unlike FireHow, I did not publish 148 articles about it. Ha!]
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