During an extra hour of research, I studied the people who have been on FireHow nine months or more. They have the most-read articles and I like to take my opponent’s measure. Naturally I noticed the 37 women first. It was one thing to read their profiles, quite another to read their topics. Possibly FireHow only attracts bad apples, but it is certainly not a place to connect with babes. It is downright scary.
One wrote [in her profile] her best qualities are honesty and decency, then turns around to give instructions on how to pray to avoid guilt feelings for cheating on her husband. These women match what you’d expect in a tabloid dating column. Totally concerned with ego-serving fantasies, like the triple divorcee who advertises herself as “single”. Keep in mind here, I have not read every article by every woman. Just the first batch, but I doubt there are exceptions.
They all came across as self-centered, weak-minded, and uneducated. I can see they are writing about what they know best, but how far do you expect to go when your message for eternity is how to apply false fingernails? Ladies, the reason men don’t write about shaving in the morning is not because they are insensitive like you keep saying. It is because the directions are on the damn can. Hello? Every post by a female author was nothing but inward looking, not a thought for the world or for anything or anybody but themselves. We love them all already.
Some men are no better. Along comes a new klutz with some name like Shivandband. Gems like “How to appease the 281,593 Goddesses of Keeping Life Simple.” He is posting 60 articles per day in a dozen categories, furiously cutting and pasting paragraphs. He’s only diluting his chances of being taken seriously. Shiv, don’t quit your day job at the deity mill.
Then, looking at the more popular posts, I divided the number of hits by the number of months on the market. How do the best articles compare with mine? (The top article has 4,765 clicks but that is an outrider which concerns how to win at some bidding game I’ve never heard of.) Only 4.1% of items draw more than 20 hits per month. All my works, including the bass tabs, are already operating at over that rate. On that count at least, I can return to the waiting game. All this, and I don’t know one orchid from another.