My predictions about the recession being serious when it affects doctors and lawyers may have been only too accurate. Another tower that has to collapse is the outrageous prices charged by post-secondary schools. These tuitions are being run like they were government bureaus, and in a sense they are due to student loans and those idiotic tax-free programs that really only the already rich can take advantage of. It is hard to believe the number of useless Arts grads out there already, yet they are marching out of colleges in serried ranks.
In my day, as it were, college standards were senseless, but in a different fashion. Faculties that taught higher paying skills charged higher tuitions even though this was often not reflected in any greater operating costs for the school. For example, it cost four times as much to take an anatomy course that was all lecture as it did to take the same course as a physical education minor. Prices are always set to give advantage to the wealthy, one thing that will always be part of education as we know it. Daddy’s money explains people who can afford Arts degrees when there is 10% unemployment in the land.
Forbes magazine agrees with me, although having an academic reader base seems to render it extremely difficult for them to simply say it. Standards are so low and tuition so high that that industry will soon have to make the same decisions as the tomato pickers. Further, some northeastern states are rolling back pensions. What did I warn you? They are not just changing the rules from the future, but taking back some of what is already there. Civil servants are prevented from having two pensions, and states are raising the retirement age from 55 to 67.
Those around 45 years old today should be very worried. The pension money is not there. Many who think they got away with it because they are already retired will find some of their money cut off, like that retired bureaucrat who got his pensions doubled by taking a government job for three weeks. It will be interesting to hear these people squeal because every aspect of their life is now on file and decisions will be made without considering their personal consequences. You know, like they’ve been doing to others since 1970.
The advantage will pass back to those who recognized that yes, everybody does have something to hide. Those who learned how to fly under the radar will prosper where the so-called middle class are about to find out they are sorely lacking anything marketable. Those who manage a government office today will find out they cannot manage a popsicle stand tomorrow, the main obstacles being their attitude.
Don’t look to me for any help, as far as I’m concerned they should have learned to play music and polish shoes while the going was good. I mean, can you just see some ex-government employees trying to operate a hot dog cart? They’ll go broke doing the paperwork and trying to charge each other consulting fees. First, you have to show two pieces of picture ID, then wait for your HD (hotdog) number to be called. You cannot have a hotdog if you have ever been arrested. Payment is by check only, your must fill out the mustard form HD-1701 rev. 2 and your hotdog will be ready in four to six weeks. (Which means six weeks.) You must bring your last three months bank statements and proof of address.
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