The outside thermometer is in the shade on the west wall, and at 3:30 PM it read 105 F. In a strange coincidence, that thermometer displays the heat index. The real temperature was only 93 F. Again, it is nearly impossible to get over 100 this near the coast, but it must be some kind of record today. There is no joy in Florida summer weather, stay up north until the middle of November, folks.
The shop is bare to the walls, the soda machine sold this afternoon. Fred plans to operate out of home and I had better start memorizing song words. Bryne called and I’ll help him paint tomorrow. That is it for work this week, but there is always bingo on the weekend. Even if gas hits $10 per gallon, bingo is just a dollar. Good, I’ll need it to replace my best fan, which burned out overnight right when I was counting on it. I’ve got half a mind to hook up the blades to that old table saw motor, but the thing might take off.
Trivia for today. Black boxes operate at 37.5 kHz and Rolls-Royce went bankrupt in 1971. Am I the only one who spots the 40 year lag period between English financial problems and our English-based American system? Oddly, in Canada, the lag is closer to 45 years, which I attribute to the dominance by the American economy. One thing we have imported from Canada lately is the reality that the minority of society who actually work for a living now do so at a guaranteed net loss over their lifetimes. This is not a case of the poor getting poorer, but of the expanding number of non-contributors.
Interesting news item, an unemployed vet living in his father’s basement was elected as South Carolina’s governor, fair and square. Other politicians and their trained media are screaming blue murder, that the guy was planted or cheated. Then, they would say that, wouldn’t they. One thing incumbents cannot stand is anyone getting into power that didn’t kiss ass every inch of the way. Did Churchill hate Hitler or what? That carb-face newsjerk on Channel is aroar that the winner had no meetings, no rallies, no web site, no speeches. Yeah, so? Where does it say he has to? What’s the matter, doesn’t he fit your petty pre-conceived notions?
Alan Greene, stand your ground, quit answering their idiotic questions and serve as a warning to all the do-nothing governors in this country. We’ve got 49 too many. Pssst, newsman, Greene also has no divided loyalties, no hidden agendas, no favors owed, no ulterior motives and most importantly, no experience cheating and lying to the public. They figure most people voted for him because his name was first on the ballot. My only question is where did an unemployed 39 year old get the $10,000 to enter the race?
No useless, noise-making rallies with those bellering retards in straw hats, indeed. Crucify him! That's what they want to do, but gang, elected is elected. Alan Greene is now governor.
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