Here’s a photo composition I’ll call Rainbow and FPL. The power lines are compliments of Florida Power and Light, a strange outfit whose main purpose appears to be getting everybody in the state on their files. They can go ballistic getting your middle initial. Note the excellent framing of the elements, with the usual mix of storm and fluff clouds, clear sky, rain and sunshine.
Next, that HP printer technology I mentioned a month back is going to get some focused attention. This is their claim that any printer on the Internet can be used as output from any computer. If it replaces fax machines, I would support it if the devil himself was the inventor. HP isn’t helping the cause any with their annoying commercials, you know, the East is East thing. Knowing HP, the setup will be convoluted chaos with a different configuration for each segment of the network. Still, it is new and there is always the chance that technicians will be in short supply.
It won’t work out, but I met a total babe that is interested in doing some guitar work. Enrika is single, cute as a button and dreadfully young. That is a big plus in music. Women don’t often understand the longer they date one man or the more men they date, the less able they are to tolerate the next guy, even if he is many times the quality of what went before. I call it the “Old Maid Effect”. Once a woman dates a goof, she wouldn’t recognize Prince Charming if he rounded the barn.
Theresa asked how men (who she knows to be all brutes) are capable of writing beautiful love songs. First, she doesn’t appreciate the limited emotional outlets available, but I suspect the cause is mainly due to these men having met women who’ve dated too long and too often. Such women develop impossibly high standards. I’ve met women who are nothing but insufferable losers who cannot understand how that drives men to dream of younger partners. They typically conclude there must be something wrong with the men. Like my family, “What’s wrong with you that you don’t like me?”
Mind you, Theresa is also the person who says things like I’ve got all these things I can do to make money. Funny how somebody with a carpet cleaner and a sewing machine can think that way. Last month to pay my rent, I earned the equivalent of $3.90 for the hours I had to work. But I still paid my way.
It is coincidence, but I also met a guitarist of note today. He has no ego problems, agrees that lead players are a major nuisance and wants to play easy-going music on the weekends. He does not sing so I better get off my tush. We talked for an hour, he’s got the right experience from stage work and followed enough of my explanation of duo arrangements to give the concept a serious attempt. He was intrigued that I had a song list so large that contained no lead breaks. Considering the guitarists I usually meet, I should have twice as many.
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