The part I still recall was how the author honestly believed her logic was an all-convincing revelation about the female thought process that men just don’t get. Ladies, we do get it, totally, but men also learn one can’t get away with that childish nonsense and expect to succeed. I cannot locate that review, indicating it was hand-written. But hey, try composing a work of this dimension and see how far you get without forgetting or repeating something.
The heat gets mention again, with the index up in the triple digits for days on end. I sure miss the shop, though I hardly notice the difference as I still have my regulars and don’t have to pay shop rent any more. I even went to Dunkin’ Donuts to enjoy the A/C. And I’m slowly learning the meager benefits of daytime public TV, even if most of the programming is for slightly retarded women. You know, the ones who say things like men don’t understand that “sometimes all she wants is the back rub”. The same ones who don’t understand that sometimes all he wants is the sex.
I was over at Dave-O’s to fine tune his computer and he’s got the 2010 virus. Nothing I can do about that, you have to leave it there and hope you get the value out of your computer before it shuts you down. We had a tough practice y’day. He’s really trying so I’ve decided to go a little easier on the guy. But it should not take three weeks to learn “Jambalaya”.
Afterward, I walked over to the bowling alley. The French lady was working by herself. She told me her husband recently got a disability claim back-dated 13 years and received a check for $100,000+. Alas, she didn’t remember the judge’s name. She further reports that all claims are being automatically denied except liver and kidney disease and settlement amounts are geared toward the amount you would get anyway at age 65.
Hayley wasn’t on shift, so on the way back I walked into the Mardi Gras casino. It was so dead, I got to talking to a waiter who once lived in my old neighborhood in Los Angeles. It turns out he also runs the most popular but smallest bar in the place, right beside the slots on the south wing. And he is in charge of entertainment.
He toured me around where the other bands play, lately saying they have had only one live band for special occasions. The waitresses were all blond Russian women (always add another 10-15 years for Florida) and he doesn’t like them. It was a shame I don’t have an act together for that mini-bar and at this point it is questionable if Dave-O is going to make the grade. I’ll do most things except put on a second-rate show. Meanwhile the age, the location and the layout are more than perfect for my material.
Last, today is Arizona day. Law 1070 comes into effect and hopefully the roundup begins. Of course, all the do-gooders were marching in the streets. I never count their opinions because the bottom line is they advocate spending other people’s money for their own pet causes. Plainly, the Liberals are ruining this country. And no establishment DC types have the cojones to speak the truth. America has had no strong leader since Reagan. Good luck Arizona, may you be the first of many.
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