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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August 24, 2010

           Halfway through “Hornet Flight”, the novel still has me admiring the style and accuracy. Well, except for some of the escapades that show the book is definitely from this era. Everybody knows premarital sex was not invented until 4:32 PM, February 9, 1964, somewhat southeast of Dexter, Missouri. The general acreage has been harrowed and planted in russet potatoes or a rare strain of biodiesel corn. In one of several striking parallels, local football scores have since remained unchanged, as was, from afar, predicted.
           I interviewed young Jaggar, the guitar player. He is sincere and beyond that Jonas “Mom told me what to say” Brothers stage. Have you seen the oldest Jonas? He’s been playing hide the salami with what’s-her-face Cyrus, saying “twarnt nuttin”. I hope he stays famous, because on the handsome charts he’s running late. If I’m a little jealous it is over the easy money and fame that rightfully belongs to someone like me, of course.
           He already plays in a group of his school chums. It is clear he has unlimited support from his family, a crushing difference from my own situation at that age. His current band has never actually played although he sounded hopeful about eventually performing some venues I have not heard of. Playing in my band is not at all the same thing and is an incredible learning experience as shown by my five-guitar show last November. I’ve decided to give the kid what I never had. The benefit of mature, experienced guidance. Where would I be today if I’d just once someone had shown me the way?

           Be ready for a move. The trailer in Tales From The Trailer Court is actually a manufactured home, not a trailer. I’ve been here long enough to know all the things wrong with the place and it requires routine maintenance like any other property. A loose hurricane hinge here, a roof leak there. Although I could find a far better deal, I’m going to make an offer on the place. I feel the only way it will ever get the required attention and repairs is if I own it outright. But no problem, if I don’t buy it, my plans are already made.
           I was over at my real estate lawyer’s place. He works out of home, as does his wife, and they have one of the most sophisticated home networks I’ve ever worked on. Worst piece of equipment was their HP wireless printer. Second is a computer that for some reason will not work with IE. Any other browser works fine. I was there for five hours, during which we discussed all kinds of real estate issues, including tax rates, liens, and eviction notices. It is always great to know a lawyer like that. You know, in case anyone tries to pull a fast one.
           Pete the Rock has disappeared. My new pharmacy is right across the road from the Panera, meaning if he was there, I’d be certain to see him at least once every two weeks. I’m there early, his normal routine, but no sign of him. The place has been taken over by noisy old men with expensive computers just to check their email. That means I don’t go there much and that I won’t start rumors by asking around. I’m due for a refill tomorrow, whence I’ll check in again.
           Sadly, another of my older fans has passed away. I’ve never mentioned Red, but he was a guy who recently got a large sum of government money and was spending it as fast as he could. He didn’t like my music except for the country tunes, but he’d listen to it. For some reason there is a two-week delay before people tell me such news and I just learned Red died. I wonder the reason he got all that money, but nobody can doubt he hated the government with a seething fury.
           I don't much care who is right or wrong in that situation. When old people hate you, or young people hate you, so do I. Got that, Hershey's?

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