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Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 26, 2010

           Here's a picture of Taylor Swift from Pictures of the Year, Time.

           I don’t usually reveal my sources, so don't ask. But this AM I discovered Pete the Rock has found a lady friend up in Tamarac. This is not confirmed, rather the report that a Pete “who always dresses in black” has left the vicinity for that particular reason. That would be him, as far as the circumstantial goes. And that word “circumstantial” was no easy item to get around the MicroSoft spell checker, I’m just saying.
           It is a good thing Pete didn’t buy the home next door, as it has, like this place, dropped in price to half. A lot of the Frenchies are in for an unpleasant surprise when they return this fall. One of the units on the east end has been rented to a group of Mexican laborers; about eight of them are sharing the place. They can’t all fit inside at once, so they sit on the porch listening to loud Latino music.
           This does not bother me, as I predicted the Frenchies would not be here forever, plus I can at least talk to the newcomers. But there are some others on the north street who seem to constantly have a police car parked outside. There are no guarantees of good neighbors in Florida and one is constantly reminded of that. But Mexicans moving in will be viewed as an extreme jolt to the neighborhood. Not by me, but I'm saying in general.

           [Author's note 2015-08-26: I was very right about the neighborhood. The strip along the casino, that is, the places that directly face the casino across the roadway are now "racially diverse". I ride my bicycle pass there often as a shortcut and there are now always squad cars around. And bad music blaring and an argument going on in the distance. The new occupants have tattoos and cars with the hoods up half the time. Don't worry, with my original plan, I would have sold out long before this happened. The downfall transformation took less than a year from when the first "cultural enrichment" gang moved in.]

           I was on a callout to the real estate lawyer’s office today. They have five networked computers sharing a wireless printer, I believe I mentioned this is the most elaborate home network I regularly support. They are sooner or later going to have to hire their own technician or learn the basics. Their setup has all the bad features of your average multi-user environment. Four teenagers in the house. The homework computer is a cheap old Dell with one Ram chip, the best computer is a $2,000 Toshiba laptop chock full of computer games. There are times I find the only problem was the speakers have been muted. None of their massive collections of music or photo files are backed up.
           Of course, we got to talking real estate law again. Florida has no law that prevents the electric company from being ruthless. You no pay, they cut you off, winter, summer or hurricane, they don’t care. It is a pity there are people who would turn that situation to their own advantage. Interestingly, if it is a landlord tenant situation, the electric company cannot cut off the power without offering to connect it in the tenant’s name. But the tenant has to have a huge deposit (the power company knows what is going on) and excellent credit.
           Such lawyers are neat to talk to. They know about issues that are just too much for regular people to research. He told me how to deal with some common difficulties and win. A good example would be where there is no written lease. Now I know exactly what to do. He also knows a few patent attorneys who may take another look at my puzzle invention. He also knows in advance which properties are being foreclosed, and there are something like 27,000 unsold single houses in Broward County. For some reason, the billionaires are not buying out the millionaires. My guess is they know something.
           Let’s recap. Twenty years ago I predicted the start of the economic implosion. February 2011. That still stands, you have not seen nothing yet. The system has spent two generations propping itself up with overvaluations, bailouts and statistics. It is time to pay the piper, and he doesn’t accept Visa, promises or paper. There’s that Jaws theme in the background again, with those low notes rumbling the house of cards. Whereas I don’t wish ill on any individual, I have a right to a smug smile once they start gutting the middle class. I don't care what happens to the class, because they are no longer middle.
           I propose a new definition of middle class: those who live debt free within their means in a property they paid for with their own cash.

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