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Monday, September 13, 2010

September 13, 2010

           Right on the button again, I predicted the $100 computer precisely. CVS is selling a notebook built by Sylvania, the light bulb factory. It was sold out before I could put down the flyer and get over there. A new shipment is due on Wednesday and I’m informed it is a regular stock item. Billed as a “mobile wireless device”, it uses a version of Windows called CE. The point is, if it goes on-line, plays music, and lets me write a letter, that is 99% of everything I’m looking for.
           Bryne called from upcountry, the job situation is not getting any better. As a reminder, I’m not talking about ordinary unemployment. I’m referring to skilled people with impeccable work histories who want to pursue their careers. I’m not the one to worry when pizza clerks and car wash attendants hit the skids, though I think a few people around here are not even qualified for that.
           Azzhole of the day award goes to Caroline Hendrix. Caroline is one of those insipid losers with a tremendous guilt complex over something. These people become obsessed with outward displays of pity, but they only fool others of their own kind. Last month, Reader’s Digest published a list of hints for travelers which included asking for a handicap suite since they are generally larger. Caroline takes offense, but then, she would, wouldn’t she?

           Let me say this, I am against enforced compassion. If somebody is handicapped, it is not my fault and I do not feel guilty. If I feel sorry for anyone, that is to be my decision and not compelled by some mouthy broad. America is the best country in the world to be handicapped. They already get free money so they don’t have to beg in the streets. I paid my taxes and my part is done, over, finished.
           Why? Because I was never asked if I wanted to pay such a tax, they just took it, and I do not believe in pity taxes. While I may help on an individual basis, that is extra. I’m tired of handicap parking in front of liquor stores and skating rinks, causing an inconvenience to everyone else.
           Let me inform Hendrix that a handicap suite is simply architecture, not a standing reservation. I don’t know where the hell people like you get off, but I can only hope it is at around 30,000 feet with no parachute. Accommodation is first come, first serve. No way should a motel turn away a paying customer because all that is left is a handicap suite.
           I don’t care if there is a gimp next in line, the last room goes to whoever showed up first, the rest get a “No Vacancy” sign. Tell us, Hendrix, what did you do that is so bad you would force a family out into the cold just to prove you are good in your sick and twisted way? Were you drunk at the time? What were their names?
           There, that sounds controversial enough. Somebody has to put a limit on the demands of these self-serving do-gooders, and I’d be glad to champion the cause. It reminds me of the time I nearly had to return for an entire semester because the last desk was reserved for an “underprivileged” Asian student. As if anybody with money to fly across the Pacific to go to college was ever as underprivileged as I! Those people need to get their heads on straight.
           Having not much else to do, a situation that will probably continue for another four to five weeks, I spent the day in the library. I’m tempted to buy that scooter now just so I can get up to the Ft. Lauderdale branch, but no, I’m conserving everything and soon enough, you’ll know why.

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