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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 15, 2010

           Ha, look what I found. Bass rhymes with “ace”, but is the same spelling as bass rhymes with, well, you know. Okay, ass, it rhymes with ass. Again, great bicycle weather but still too warm for pedestrians. Wait until middle of November. Several reputable magazines are beginning to publish the truth about Florida summer weather where they used to be silent on the point. It is brutal, a sweltering inescapable sauna made habitable only by massive air conditioning. As things are going, this may be my final summer in town.
           I was able to test an electric bicycle. It has a top speed of 15 mph and a range of 10 miles. Not quite enough for me, but certainly adequate, except for the $800 price tag. I looked at an electric scooter at $1,000 which also had limited performance. At this point, for getting around town, the best choice is a good used 50cc gasoline scooter.

           Jag was over for his final rehearsal before we go live. For those who don’t know, with me you get five free lessons. At that point, either we play or you get dropped. That is how easy my material is despite the fact I don’t just play hits, I pick out classics. Yes, every guitarist since you’ve been following this has had their five sessions, so nobody is passed over for lack of a fair chance.
           We have only two hours of material, but I’ve gotten by on less. I feel it is also important to get Jag on stage and get him some money. He has a reserved manner about everything that is not the best stage persona but that is actually better for me. Remember, I also have zero mileage on this type of act. The last duo I played in regularly was in the late 1980s. What you say? That’s right, things like twice a year with the Hippie at the Ugly Tuna Saloona is hardly what I label regular.
           How will you be remembered? The lower class you are, the less you care about such things, that I gleaned from my upbringing. Well, it is a pity that young Jag had to have his final three rehearsals in the dark and summer heat. He knows who to blame. You see, Theresa the Cave Woman has no class at all. She does not care if she suffers, as long as she can make others suffer also, even the innocent like Jag. To her, no electricity just means she can’t boil her next potato. But not a thought in her mind about the hardships she is heaping on Jag. Oh yes, he knows. He knows who is working to make the best of things and knows who is nothing but white trash.
           I also viewed videos and reviews on a Ural motorcycle with sidecar. This is very similar to the Dnepr, but a larger company with more experience building civilian models. As a reminder, my affinity to a motorcycle has nothing to do with heritage, but that my heart stress monitor flies off the scale when I drive a car, but not when I’m on a two-wheeler. The Ural requires a conversion kit to get much over 60 mph, so it is not made for the autobahn. It has a price tag to match its weight.

           JZ and I met up at the sandwich shop and talked about plans. Despite his pension, he has no incentive to travel or just to get out and see things. When my pension arrives, I leave, often for months at a time. This is how I lived at the phone company, periods of accumulation and then clear out of the country up to five times per year. I’ve got my plans for the “City of New Orleans” down in writing, and that is just the beginning this time around. As I wrote to Mitch, the athlete, my pensions will replace my entire income. I’ll never be some old fart cheapskate trying to cheat people who once trusted me. Which I consider the worst of all possible windups in life.
           Most interesting thing was JZ and my prophecies about this situation from two years back. Here is some circular logic. Whereas 100% of what we discussed did not necessarily happen, 100% of what eventually did happen was thoroughly discussed. That is called planning ahead. I sometimes like to put it this way: I have not seen it all. But I have not seen anything new since I moved to Florida.

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