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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 20, 2010

           I see that Dremel is being used to scallop guitars. This is something you don’t want to try on your vintage Strat.* I had once considered a mild scallop on my 5th fret so I would have a tactile reference point to help prevent me from looking down while I’m singing. Today’s photo is, I consider, an extreme example of the process. In theory, it should work fine. I had no time to research the article, but Dremel may be selling a set of bits specifically designed for your standard 21-fret guitar neck.
           I’m working on an instruction manual for a friend. This means I have to totally understand the project, so I have something to say. Listen to me, if any where during a process, no matter how complicated, there is buried one ounce of multi-level marketing, then it is an MLM scheme. Your personal chances of ever making any money with MLM are less than zero. I’ve not heard a new sales pitch for MLM in 30 years.
           Today I heard again the tired line that MLM is the wave of the future. Seems to me that future was 15 or 20 years ago. MLM was a theory that hit the marketplace after WWII with outfits like Amway and Mary Kay. Because they sold a real product, they were legally exempt from pyramid scheme laws. But the concept never worked except for the few and has not evolved one lick in all those years.
           It is stale material, I’ve heard all the lines. Work from home, own your own business, its money people spend anyway, write off your expenses. The point is your customers have to be sold on the concept before they are sold on the product. That means there is no direct cause and effect between the work and the reward. It is a sales job and most people are not good at sales. Look at who they married.
           What’s more, it is irksome enough to have a salesman hovering over a major purchase, so who wants one laying the trip on you over a cheap box of soap. There is always something unwholesome about people with hidden agendas. People that need somebody else to explain it to you. People that can’t spell out what they do in their business to make money.
           This flu has my throat completely raw and sore. My sources say it is just another phase of the same infection working through my system. So I went to the library to give it to everyone else. Serious, I am past the sneezing stage; I was there to do research. I see that propane refrigerators have quadrupled in price to over $2,000. The same site was selling solar cookers.
           I’ve looked at these cookers over a period of years. Like most people, I’ve never followed it up. There are so many conflicting claims there is no place to start. Well, I’ve got the pizza box, the aluminum foil and the duct tape. I’m going to slap something together and either it heats up or it doesn’t. But I’m not going another day without ever having not at least tried. There was a caution not to glue the tinfoil to the container, as the heat produced could release toxics onto the food. Makes sense.
           What I hope to discover is the level of concessions that have to be made to get the water tolerably warm. When I was eight, I had the bottom of my feet scalded by water that had been lying in an ordinary black garden hose. There was no parabolic reflector or fancy engineering back then, yet be assured that water was damn hot.

           [Author's note 2016-10-20: now that I've had time to learn what a guitar players in Florida are all about, yes, most of them should try this on their vintage Strat. And Tele, and Ibanez, and Ovation, and Martin, etc., etc. You know the type, when one guitar isn't enough . . .]

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